MCGI care 29/7/22

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Good day everyone. Am brother Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post to share from the benefits from the mgci care program today 29/7/22 so others can get benfited too particularly those that couldn't attend from one reason or the other.

We learnt in 1 Peter 4:3 that we ought to things moderately and not in excess, that it ought not to be so. we see people that eat somuch in the society. They just keep eating all manners of food ;they don't get tired of eating; this habit of eating excessively is called gluttony and the person is called a glutton. Gluttony is one of the major cause of obesity (BMI (Body Mass Index of greater than or equals to 30kg/m²). Apart from eating excessively, obesity can be hereditary too. Obesity is a risk factor for most of the heart and blood vessels related diseases. The increase of fat in our body leads to the increase on cytokines that leads to cardiovascular disease like high blood pressure. King Solomon of the Bible also warned us of the company of those fond of always drinking and eating meat. Too much meat and wine isn't good for the body, other wise we may become too fat and this would become a problem to us.
As children of God, there's a way we ought to behave-1Timothy 3:15. All we do should be in accordance to the word of God-Philipians1:27. The word of God should be reflected in our lives. The bible should be our reference and our duty according to Ecclesiates 12:13,is for us to fear God and keep His commandments.
Bro Eli also shared with about the notion of God knowing all things. God is Almighty, which is very true but on the premise of self-will, God isn't all Knowing. If he knows what would be our reaction to situations, then He wouldn't have tested us e. g Abraham was tested in the bible.

From the first broadcast,we learnt how a person can learn how to fear God. From the playlet,the little boy(Brayan) was introduced to the word of God and he was growing up with it and gave more preference to the word of God than any other thing. He was surrounded too by those that feared and loved God and who help to explain God's word to him. Brayan one of these day shared God's word in Philippians 4:7 with His grand father. He told His that it's very effective when prsyed with. shortly Brayan became sick and was hospitalized. His Grand father remembered the scripture in Philippians 4:7, prayed with it and God showed mercy and restores Brayan's health. There is no harm obeying God's word. There would be less problem when we obey God's word.

In the second broadcast,we learnt how our response should be towards one another. We saw a hawker who was paid s counterfeit. she was stranded as she doesn't have any money on her to buy food for her and her family. She met some persons around and explained her situation to them and got some assistance from them . she would now be able to buy food for her family and transport hersel home too. It feels happy to assist the needy. God is pleased with it. when we have mercy on others, God would show us mercy too - Matthew 9:13.

We also saw how Elpedio Lacerina was helped the brethren. He was selling garlic and had been out upto about 9pm and had not still sold half of the quantity he brought to sell. He came out with garlic worth 900 pcs but had sold only 300 pcs. His gain from it, is 100 pcs because the garlic are not all his. The brethren gave him 5000 pcs in total for the remaining ones and for him to use the remainder as a capital to sustain his business. He was given some quantity of rice too and dinner for himself and his family. He was very grateful for the help. Our good works can change men for good and this is our primary responsibility.
Lastly,we saw a woman who because of the pandemic had difficulty in feeding her family. She could only cook rice just ones in a day, so that there would another left fot tomorrow. She had barely little for herself and her family. The brethren extended help to her and she was really grateful. All glory to God. It's indeed worth helping those in need,no matter how small it may be, let it be that it's done from the heart. God is the ones that would reward our good deeds. May His alone be glorified, Amen.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
