Good day brethren . Trust we are good. It is always exciting to be in our midst.
Here are some of my lessons from the mass indoctrination, day 10 on the 22/7/22;
In the true church, there is instruction on what to wear. Just as we take care of the inner man otherwise known as the inward man,it is also important that we take care of our outward. There are two forms of man , the outer man and the inner man. there are some that are men outwardly but inwardly they are not but beastly because inwardly they are full of evil. Matthew 7:15 tells us to be watchful and mindful of false prophets that would come to us in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. We are to discern carefully so we don't fall into their hands.
Men that are beast outwardly, don't delight in the law of God, that is how we can know them. This is how we can discern those that are man inwardly and those that are beastly inwardly;they take delight in the God's word and His commandments.
*Psalms 40:8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.
We should do good to all men. it gives delight to the heart to render help to others.we should have time to access ourselves if our innerman is still man, Paul admonishing the brethren at the Corinth church, encourages them to examine themselves to know if they are still in the faith or not- 2 Corinthians 13:5
In Jeremiah 6:16,we saw where Prophet Jeremiah spoke about those that inspite of the knowledge of the truth, they still prefer to walk in their evil way.
They love darkness than light because they love that which is evil. they prefer than womanize than to love their wives
You would see situations where a father rapes his daughter, that is absolutely a beastly attitude; it's synonymous to what animals do. According to John 3:19, there we see that they prefer darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.
They only take care of the outside but the inside is full of rottenness.
The man of God is man inwardly and outwardly. Man is a creature created after the image and likeness of God ie Man is not evil but now , we see men that are outwardly men but inwardly ,they are beast.
Talking of how we dress, it very important that we put this into consideration as children of God because God wouldn't want us to appear in a way that it would serve as a stumbling block to others . If you are wearing a micro mini skirt and you bend over, people would see everything because they are short. This is prohibited by God. We should adorn ourselves with modest apparel. In the past, not all women go naked, but nowadays, there are many women who go naked. Even in some churches, they do not care about this, it is very ok for them; even some back it up by saying" God does not look at the outward appearance,God looks what is inside. Yes,it is true God looks at what is inside, but man would look at what is outside because man can not see what is inside. When a woman displays her body in the public, she makes others to sin through fleshy lust and this contributes to things like rape,etc.
For looking and desiring a woman lustfully in ones heart, you are already commiting sin(fornication) according to Christ in Matthew 5:28. They have eyes that are full of adultery, they can not cease from sin because these women are always displaying their bodies and this is prohibited among christains - 2 Peter 2:14
Appearing simple and modest saves us alot, it can even save our lives e.g putting jewelry on our body can expose us to alot of danger. We can become point of target by evil men because of what we are putting on. Having too much jewelry on our body may make us forget God because all we would be remembering, would be just our jewelry. Some just wear them to show off. When we do such,they become an idol because they are taking God's place in our lives and this called idolatry and God hates idolatry and those who do such-Hosea 2:13
God consider such habits as been naughty and He frown at it. You even see people with nose and tongue rings and somany come down with one illness or the other because of their disobedience to God. Lets avoid adoring ourselves as christmas tree,it would make us to be boastful and God hates it -Isaiah 3:16
Even when we alter what God has made, is like telling Him that we don't like the way He created us e.g removing our eye brow and making another else where. God does not like us using chemicals on our body or painting our faces. God want us to be contented with the natural. Instead of deodorant,we can use natural substance like alum.
God made us perfect. We should respect how God created us, there is a curse from God when we go ahead to do what we wanted-Romans 9:20 -21
We should use the word of God to decorate our heart ie the inner man with an incorruptible appearal-1 Peter 3:3&4,
Psalms 119:11, John 6:63.
Modest appearal means an apperal that won't display our body, so it does not serve as a source of sin to men- 1 Timothy 2:9
Anything God said we "should not" means a prohibition. It is not that we should not look beautiful outwardly but more importantly is adorning ourselves with God's word.
God bless you for going through. Hope you are blessed too.
Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.
MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.