Why Is There So Much Evil [PART 1]

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Why Is There So Much Evil


With what is actually happening in today's life we are in, is really in alignment with Brother Eli teaching, where he was able to teach us what the Bible has to say regards to Jeremiah 32:30-33, 1 Timothy 5:15, Act 26:18 alongside with what we have to learn from it based on moral Lessons which comes across this various verses.

According to the book of Jeremiah 32:33, speaks of the the frustration that the people of Israel and Judah all that they are passing through just because of their disobedience to God which entails us that disobedience is a really a big sin which can change and deviate God's attention from where we are, which goes on to deprive us our right which is the relationship we have with God and that's to tell you the extent that sin mislead people.

Despite the warning and sanctions on the Israelites, they went on with their own decisions, which thereby disregards God's commandment which is main to lead and guild whatever they are doing as children of God, which goes on to cause the downfall they experience which is the same with what is happening today, reason is that they refuse to listen to the word of God which is filled with wisdom that ought to guide our actions.

So necessary that we should be more closer to God than that depending on human assumption and suggestions of man, hence is now clear that whatever man is passing through is caused by him because the plan of a man is not the plan of God and that is reason there is much evil and suffering which is part of the consequences of what man has done today, just because they rely their own understanding instead of taking God's instructions which is written in the bible. So therefore this now reveals the cause of evils today and the importance of meditating in the word of God in all we do .

Therefore is all good that believer to understand that a lot of people has already dedicated themselves to devil looking for whom to perish in hell as Apostle Paul reveal to us that some people has harden their mind over receiving the word of God which which show that when you are not with God by doing what he commanded us to do implies that they are opposing the word of God which is good we understand that doing evil is beyond which also stand as spiritual rebellion against the God we serve.

Therefore the above that speaks about doing the commandment of God in 1 Timothy 5:15 which let us know that evil work of the devil are also rooted down in the mind of people who consciously take the path that lead to hell, which some people are not aware which along the line they are always mislead, so we are warned for such, which is expected of the devil to be watchful and remain firm in our faith in place to remain against the influence of the devil, which is to devour and destroy our belief system.

So as believers we are, strongly believing in the faith where our trust is, we are main to teach and redeem people from the darkness of this world, which is propagated by the devil, for them to receive the real-time teaching and moral which will change their way of life, and hence, on the other hand, we are also main to redeem them from their sinful ways, which brings them close to God.

As for today within this verse in Act 26:19, let us understand that a lot of people are already in bondage, which keeps them on committing sin that causes evil, of which some are unaware of the truth, which is the word of God, which can set them free. So that's to tell you that salvation is power. The reason is that it breaks the yoke of evil, and the word of God leads the path of righteousness that glamorizes light.

Moral Lessons

● Hence it is our responsibility to make the right choice, ever since the option is there for us to make, in order to avoid consequences that come from evil going.

● There is always a need for every believer to be spiritually inclined and vigilant in order to resist the misleading from the devil, which tends to lead us to the path of darkness.

● We have to understand that God is always there to hear our cry, he can forgive and redeem us from our old path when we accept him with our whole heart.

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When man choose to walk against God's will and plan, he only bring evil upon himself

God wants us to return back to Him. We live a risky life without God in it.

Thanks for reading through friend, is always necessary for every Christian to remain with the word that is filled with the wisdom