in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago

It was really good being in the house of God today to reflect on the bible and also learn about Jesus Christ and almighty Father.


The preaching today centers on helping one another.
It is a very good thing that we as Christians care for others and we do this by helping them .
This help can come in many ways which include:
Helping the old aged. Helping the sick ones
Giving money to the needy and the poor .
Clothing the naked

Helping people has it own blessings because when we help people automatically you will receive blessing from good.
When helping people is not necessary to announce this openly,
We don't have to behave like the hypocrite before we help people.
Let's help people in secret without broadcasting it so that the God who sees in secret will reward you abundantly.


One of our purposes on earth is to do good to all men in every possible means we can.