Mcgi mass indoctrination

in MCGI Cares Hive22 hours ago

Today's teaching according to the following bible verses:
Act 20:7
IIJohn 1:12
Consider one another do good to others in the world today the world does not care about others.
In the true church we have an obligation and the obligation is for the brethren to observe one another
To provoke love and to do good works.
It is commanded together together as brethren, that's why we go to church,
The main reason to gather together is to listen to the brethren and help one another and also observe.
God commanded the brethren to gather together in the church and the reason is for us to care for our brethren and also be able to show concern,we should have maintenance for be a Christian like a car is maintained.
The doctrine says that we should love and do good to others .
In some churches the intention of pastors is to collect money from others it is not good in the Church of God because it is said in the Bible my brethren show no partiality do not discriminate among men example if a man comes in with goods ring and jewelries in the synagogue and a poor person enters there, there should not be discrimination for it is recorded in the Bible for one not to discriminate because we are one in the site of God.
There are brothers who have nothing to eat so when you have help others because you are instructed according to the doctrine of Christ for us to help one another.
There is Joy in seeing one another like st John said I will not write in pen or paper but I will come into you and speak face to face that our joy will be full and perfect, because perfect joy is felt when you are with a brother.

Like st Luke said upon the first day of the week the disciples gathered, that means that the reason together is to learn and study the word of God, the bigger parts of gathering in the doctrine of God is to study the word of God, like the early Christians gathered to observe one another in praises,so is clear that there is a program in the gathering we should have a psalm for it is important to sing psalm for singing brings joy to the heart.
According to st Matthew watch and pray,to watch means to observe so u will not fall into temptation .

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