What I learnt from today’s teaching by pastor Eli, the mystery behind songs and church.

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago (edited)


If it was through prayer, the walls of Jericho wouldn’t have falling flat, maybe a war would have happened between the army of Jericho and the priest, we all know how mighty the walls of Jericho was, God never told his savant Joshua to pray for victory, the bible said in this chapter


And Jesus said unto them, if ye have faith, ye shall move mountains. Chapter 21, this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

It was revealed to me that there is a kind of mountain that can be moved through faith, there is also a kind of mountain that can be moved through prayer, and some can be moved through prayer and fasting.

During the course of the teaching today, I learnt that there is also a kind of mountain that can be moved through singing and through playing the musical instrument.

God told Joshua to get seven priests with a trumpet of rams’ horn each in front of the ark, and on the seventh day, they should march around the city seven times, with the priest blowing the trumpet.

We all know that trumpet is a musical instrument, and the trumpets were blown by the priests meaning they were blowing the trumpet unto God not idols, and after the seventh day, with a shout of praise, the mighty walls of Jericho came down.

When God was forming the earth, there were stars singing to God, there is a mystery behind songs.


The bible said the star sang, the stars were not praying, the stars were also not fasting,
for this kind (the earth) could only be built through singing.

This means that, song can destroy any walls of Jericho in our life, like in the case of Joshua, the walls of Jericho were destroyed

The ability to build is also in songs, the bible said, “the stars sang” and this star were angles of the seven churches, they were singing and God was forming the earth


Most times as Christians we pray and fast for a long period of time and it is as if the mountain in our lives is not moving, no sir/ma that is not true. Have you praised God in songs?

The bible says, the stars were singing and he was forming the earth, why not take the position of the stars and let God work on that mountain that is too big to you.

I also learnt that we can cast out demons through songs.


King David in the bible was a perfect example, how he delivered king Saul from evil spirit, singing started before the earth was created, singing praise is sufficient enough to cast out demons.

Secondly, I have heard a lot of Christian say “that they prefer listening to teachings online than going to the house of God on the first day of the week (Sunday)

in this chapter, God commanded us to gather together, exhorting one another


As a Christian, if you don’t have love for fellow men that means you don’t have love for God


You cannot hate your brother and claim you love God, the bible says that we are the gods of the earth, if you cannot share your bread with your brother when he is hungry, that means we can’t love God. Most times God judges us based on how we live with our fellow men and how we leave with things around us.

For instance, a boy called David in the bible became a king at his young age, David was a cattleman, he was so faithful and diligent in rearing his father’s cattle, when a lion came to ambush one of the cattle’s, he killed the lion

Now, I want you to know that, it wasn’t recorded that God sent a spy team to monitor David’s faithfulness, God saw his diligence and love he had for his father’s cattle, and God sent a prophet to anoint him. David was the youngest son of Jesse from Bethlehem, he had elder brothers who were also physically qualified to be a king, but God specifically sent the prophet to anoint David.

God sees in secret, if we love our fellow men and give bread to them, God that sees in secret will bless us openly.

Thirdly, we should not also discriminate the poor in the house of God,


This is very popular in some churches today. Positions in most churches are given based on how much you have in your account, I have witnessed this before.
In this chapter


Most pastors or priest discriminate their members, because of the fat envelope they are receiving from those rich members, as a result, they refrain from preaching the truth to the rich members because of the fear of losing them


The bible says they are partially of themselves, the poor should not be discriminated in the house of God, as sons and daughters of God we should follow the footsteps of our lord Jesus Christ. We should love our fellow men as we claim we love God, we should always pray and care for one another because Christ commanded us to do so.

I pray the grace to stand upright as Christians will be given unto us in Jesus name,
Thanks for reading, God bless you.


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