Mass Indoctrination Day14 held on 27/Jan/2022 by brother Eli

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago (edited)

I return all the Glory to God who made it possible that I attended the service and I was blessed from the service.

Summary of what I learnt from the service.

From the Bible in Matthew 28:19 where I was made to understand that baptism is carried out in the name of the Lord our God and actually not with the name of the Lord. It is expected of every believer, that immediately after repentance and putting aside your sinful nature, the next move to make is to get your baptism done in the name of the Lord, and not with the name of the Lord. Baptism is a very effective aspect of every Christian's life, it serves as a gateway to the Holy Ghost to pay you a visit, it indicates that you have let go of you sinful nature.

Brethren who are true followers of Christ must follow and abide by his doctrine of been baptized. The example Christ himself showed us is what we should follow.

Any Believer who is baptized becomes a member of the new family automatically, as one's sins are now washed away and the sins of Adam and Eve are no longer attached to you. Any one who is a believer and is living his life in holiness and righteousness, is been gifted with the Holy Ghost. The only spirit only abides with those who are baptized and are living a holy and righteous life, free from sins.

From the scriptures in Acts 2:38 where we heard Peter talking to the people or congregation about baptism, he was bent on convincing them to turn away from their sinful ways and be baptized in the name of the Lord and not with the name of the Lord. Baptism is simply seen as means for the remission of our sins.

I learnt that every human is born into sin but through baptism, that sin is washed away.

From the Bible in Deuteronomy 12:5 I was made to know that the church is seen as an establishment of God, because God is the overseer of every church, that is to say he owns the church.

I was also made to understand that even if heaven and Earth fades away the word of God and the church of God will never fade away but remain forever. I was also made to understand that no man or human being can destroy the word, because the word is God himself.

Also from the Bible in 1 Corinthians 12:13 where I learnt that we as believers and as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, we all are baptized in one spirit and in one body, be it a jew or gentile we are all baptized in one body and in one spirit.
Believers are said to be one body in Christ Jesus, that is why whenever we fellowship as believers and say a prayer in agreement and having the faith that he is able, God takes quick action to give answer to such a prayer. He hears our cry whenever we fellowship.

Also from the Bible in Exodus 20:7 where we were made to know that it is not encouraged neither is it a good joke to call on the name of the Lord in vein, nor is it supported to make fun or jokes of the name of the Lord.

Also from Ephesians 44-5 where we were made to understand that there is only one body and one spirit every believer is called to, though with different gifts but all are called to one body and spirit, this body is the body of Christ.
God is the only one who we should serve and always respond to his calm to serve, the major reason why we are here in Earth is to actually do his will and his will alone. Believers are hereby encouraged to do God's work with zeal and not because they are been forced to do so but they should do it out of their own free mind. The work of God should not be done with grudges in your heart.
Whoever does the will of God without grudges in their heart will be rewarded bountifully in heaven, they will receive a heavenly reward from God.

We also learnt that whenever you call on the name of the Lord in vein or you call on him while cracking jokes with friends, he will not answer you when you need him the most. Never take the name of the Lord your God for a joke.

Former believe.

I never knew baptism plays such a vital role in the life of believers, I used to believe baptism does not really signify anything in the life of Brethren but after listening to the service I now know the importance of baptism.

How the study affected me.

It affected in a way that I will try as much as I can to abide by the doctrines of Christ which includes baptism.
I will also not call on the name of the Lord in vein.

We are inviting you to join the MCGI Cares (Hive) community that study the words of God and also earn some reward by making our reactions on it. We can check this link



Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Doctrine helps to keep us in check. If we practice what we preach our believe will be made stronger. Keep the faith.

Thanks for visiting my post brother.
We should try and abide by his doctrines.