in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

All glory be unto God in heaven for an opportunity to be in his presence and to partake in the worship of his holy name. I really appreciate brother Eli for sharing the word of God with us.

Summary of what I learnt.
I was made to understand that we as his followers, are buried with Christ because we are called his people, we must listen to his teachings and abide by his doctrines.

I learnt that any brethren who gives his life to Christ becomes a new creature as his sins are forgiven.

From the scriptures In 2 Corinthians 5 vs 17 from where we were made to understand that when we make a choice if turning a away from our sinful nature, and finally accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior, from that day, from that minute onward we become a new creature. Our sins and our sinful nature becomes a thing of the past, as God shows mercy and forgives us. First criteria to becoming a new creature is seeking the face of God. From the scriptures we were made to understand that if any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature, so to be called and seen as anew creature we must seek God first. Brethren should endeavor to give their lives to Christ so to become a new creature.

From the scriptures in Romans 6 vs 4 From where I learnt that brethren are buried in Christ through a means known as baptism, this is why every believer is mandated to be baptized after repentance and giving their lives to Christ Jesus, when we are baptized it signifies the washing away of our sins, after been baptized we are no longer the old us as the old us is now a thing of the past and we become a new creature. It is stated clearly in the scriptures that we are buried in Christ, we are buried with Christ through baptism, exactly how Christ Jesus Christ raised from the dead on the third day, displaying the glory of God, even us as his followers can become new creature by baptism in his name.

From the scriptures in Acts 15 vs 29 from I was made to understand that, as followers of christ we are not expected to eat any meat sacrificed to idols, such act defiles our body and sends the holy spirit packing. It is forbidden for a believer to eat meats sacrificed to idols. Every believer should avoid meat offered to idols, brethren should not eat meat of strangled animals, brethren should not blood as well.

We were also advised to run away from every form of fornication or adultery. Commiting adultery and fornication goes contrary to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should also not eat strangled animals as it is forbidden.

From the service I also learnt that, humans are made head over other creature, we were given the duty of looking after God's creation. It is as well the duty of brethren to ensure the growth and development of the church. Christ bought the church with his blood, therefore the church is also his property it is our duty to take care of the church too. The Lord put us in charge of all of his creation including the church, brethren must ensure that the church is flourishing.

From the scriptures in 1 Corinthians 6 vs 19 from here I learnt that our body is the temple of God, and the holy spirit dwells in our body. So we are encouraged to keep our body clean by avoiding anything sin or anything that will make the holy Spirit to depart from us. The holy spirit cannot behold iniquity, any brother or sister that wants to fellowship with the holy Spirit must keep their body holy and pure.

Every believer must flee fornication.

From the scriptures in John 1 vs 1 to 3 from here I learnt that in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth, he created all these by just his words. He created everything by Faith, God is the word. The scriptures made us know that in the beginning was the word and that the word was God himself, proving that God is the word, this is why his word heals the sick and raise the dead, even the blind can see after the word comes to them.


I thought God dwells in the church, today I was made to know that the Lord dwells in us, in our body.

How does the service affects me.

I will be living a life free from fornication as my body is the temple of God.

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.