Mass Indoctrination Day 6 21-March-2022.v

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago (edited)

All glory be unto God in heaven for an opportunity to be in his presence and to partake in the worship of his holy name. The service was a blast indeed and I was opportuned to learn a lot. All those in attendance were blessed indeed.

Summary of what I learnt.
I was made to understand that, we should be grateful at all times for the little we have in our possession while waiting for what awaits us ahead and in the nearest future. Christians should always believe that God can solve our every problem.

From the scriptures in 1 John 5 vs 16 from this passage I was made to understand that, each time we find our brethren sin a any which is not until death, immediately we should pray for that brother or sister for their sin. The Bible also made us to understand that, each time we see a believer take part in a sin which is not unto death, he is expected to ask for forgiveness from the church as the church prays for him. If we see our brother sin against God we should pray for him and not judge him. Pray for a believer that sins against God and not judge him.

From the scriptures in Hebrews 13vs 5 from this passage I was made to understand that, we should not allow our every conversation to be about covetousness, we as Christians we must practice how to show appreciation and be grateful, and have a grateful heart that shows gratitude at all time, if we show God how grateful we are, he will be moved to do more good things in our life. The Bible made us to understand that, we should not let our conversation be about covetousness, we should show appreciation and gratitude to God at all time, God is a promise keeper and he has promised to never leave not forsake us, he will always keep to his words. Just like in the days of old God will always come through for us.

From the scriptures in 1 Peter 4 vs 8 From this passage I was made to understand that, the Bible is telling christians to practice in fervent charity amongst themselves for true love covers sin, any christian who loves a fellow Christian will miles to see to it that evil does not befall a fellow believer or do anything that will cause harm to a brother. The Biblade us to understand that, in everything we do as Christians and as believers fervent charity should be part of it always, for if we participate in fervent charity many of our sins will be covered, if there's love amongst brethren, forgiveness will be the order of the day. Christians are expected to love and support one another.

From the scriptures in James 5 vs 16 From this passage I learnt that, it is important for christian and believers to confess to one another at all times, christians are also encouraged to always pray for each other each, each and every time we commit a sin or go don't follow each others faith. For every time we forgive a brother and pray for him, we also enjoy forgiveness from God.. The Bible made us to understand that, it is good to confess our sins to one another and pray for one another so that the healing hands of will be upon us. It was said in the Bible that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much.

From the scriptures in Matthew 17 vs 24 this passage I learnt that, God does not live in a house made or built with human hands,we learnt that God does not live in a house neither does he have a house, we were also made to understand that God does not live with the unrighteous people, God does not live in unholy places, from the Bible we were made to understand that, God is the creator of all the universe he was the one who created all we see and enjoy today, this shows that God is the God of the heavens and the earth, God does not dwell in any temple or any building made with hands but the church of God is known to be where God dwells.

From the scriptures in Proverbs 28 vs 13 from this passage I was made to understand that, for every time we try to cover our sins and try to pretend like we did not sin against God, we fail to confess our sins to God and each time we fail to confess our sins to God, we will not experience progress, sin hinders progess, so we are encouraged to confess our sins unto God and plead for mercy or else we shall be judged. If we confess our sins we shall obtain mercy but if we don't then judgement awaits us. The Bible made us to understand that, any believer who tries to cover their sins will not be prosperous and will not be shown mercy but when we confess our sins and plead for mercy we shall be forgiven.

I learnt that, as Christians and as believers we are to confess our sins to God in heaven and not to any human or any priest, we all know that humans do not have the power to forgive us and pardon us for our sins, but only God Almighty who is in heaven can forgive and pardon us for our sins. Christians are encouraged to confess their sins to God at all times, for this is the only way they can obtain mercy from God.


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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.