Mass indoctrination Day 8 on 17-8-2022

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Good evening brethren. Am sure the Lord is been so gracious unto is all. Am your brother Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post to share my lessons from the day 8 mass indoctrination held on the 17/8/22

During the teaching, we learnt that the commandment of God is for us to do good to everyone according to Galatians 6:10. The true congregation doesn't do evil to others but knows how to relate/ love all men. if we can establish good relationship with oir enemies then we can do more good to those who aren't our enemies, so, it's an obligation to do good to all men. we should be blameless and harmless in this world, we should give light rather to those we come in contact with-Phil2:15. we give light through our way of life. our manner of life can express good things
why does God wants us to serve as light? According to 1peter2:12, when we serve as light,men would see our good works and glorify God in the day of visitation. A Life story was shared of a man who threatened to stop his wife from going to the church of God International because he hated Bro Eli,but later change his mind because of the changes he saw in the life of the wife. He later join the wife to attend church. In 1Peter 3:1, wives can win their husband to God through their good works.
God wants men to learn that there is a true God. He is revealed through the people that serve Him,-Matthew 5:15 but we see a situation were men have lost interest in God because the lifestyle of those who proclaim to be Christians and hence they revile God instead of glorifying God.They make others to blasphem against God. It's bad that men would blasphem God because of us-Romans2:24.

We also learnt according to 1Corinthians5:11-13, that if any doesn't want to obey the doctrine, then such should be expelled;those that take pleasure in iniquity should be expelled from among the brethren and we shouldn't be part of such gathering that encourages such practice ie church trying to cover up such practices amongst members. Titus 1:16, there are preachers who preached the gospel but denying God in their deeds; they are reprobate. Of such that are expelled from the church we are not to mingle with them because they would corrupt the good ones-1Cor15:33. We saw in Titus3:10,that if two corrections/warnings are given and the person continue in his/her evil ways, then he/she should be expelled. Some churches don't teach this. If they are not disciplined, then others would follow their evil ways. Nobody should be excluded in this, be it a minister or a cardinal. If we find ourselves in the midst of preachers that are evil, we should pray to God for God to deliver us from their hands. God promised to deliver us from their hands-Ezekiel 34:10. Instead of feeding the flock, they instead feed themselves with the flock.
Those that treat their parents wronglt bring shame (prv 19:26) and they would be in total darkness (prv20:20). we shouldn't be displaying shameful attitude.

We also learnt in James 5:20, that if we save a sinner, we would be to prevent or stop a multitude of sin that individual would have committed. God is well pleased over one sinner that repents. (Luke 15:7). If we save a soul, then we are wise and God is delighted in it- Prv11:30. According to Jeremiah 30:19,when the church do His will, God Himself would multiply the church by Himself and not by man. some populate their church through wrong doctrine-2peter2:19 just to lure them into the church. They preach doctrine for their own benefit and not for the benefits of the gospel. we learnt too in 1 Timothy 3:2, that a bishop should be of one wife and if this is not the case, then he is not of God. we should compare things to find out the truth if they be excellent or good- Ecclesiates 7:27. There are preachers who are preachers of hell and are constantly leading many astray, thereby populating the number of those that would go to hell-Matthew 23:15.
Multiplication of the church is a prophesy of God (Malachi 1:11). when we do good works of righteousness, the church would multiply through our good works. it's the word of God that can change a man's heart through the help of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to be instrument for His ministry to bear fruit-Prv11:30. The Church of God International is the first church to come from the East and then spread to the word to the west and this is according to prophesy-Zach 8:7. The origin of our faith is important. Isa 24:15,the prophesy have it that there would be someone that would bring the truth from the east. Jeremiah 30:19-24, God promised to established His people in the last days, were He would start saving His people from the East country.

God bless of all as we keep giving ourselves to the hearing and practicing of God's word. I also want to invite us all to join us in the remaining part of the study.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
