Mass indoctrination Day 6 on the 12/6/2022

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago


Good evening everyone. Hope we are doing great. Am brother Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post to share my lessons on the mass indoctrination Day six.
(1) God honours the prayer of a righteous person;the prayer of Elijah for it not to rain for 3 years and 6 months was honoured/answered by God because he was a righteous man-John 5:18
(2) There are two kinds of sin; sin that is unto death and sin that is not unto death. The sin that is unto death is not forgiveable even if we pray for forgiveness for such, while the sin that is not unto death is forgiveable if we truly repeant from it and genuinely asked for forgiveness from God-1 John 5:16
(3) Our primary responsibility when a brother commit a sin that is not unto death is not to spread the sin he has committed about but to pray to God on his behalf that he realized his error and be restored back to faith. The prayer of the righteous avails much.
(4) When we commit a sin, we are to firstly confess our sin(s) to God and then to the person whom we have sinned against. we are to confess our sins to the Priest. We only owe confession to God and the person we have sinned against. -Psalms32:5
(5). There is a responsibility of the person whom we sinned against and have confessed to and that is to pray for the person for God for forgive of the sin.
(6) If we confess our sins, we shall be forgiven but if we cover or hide our sins, then we shall not be forgiven and obtain mercy from God-Proverbs 28:13
(7) It's a blessing to have the righteous in our midst because God delights in the prayers of the righteous man and if he asks of anything from God, God grants it to him, infact before he even ask of a thing , God is willing to grant him the request. Before Daniel could finished his fasting and prayer, God had already granted answers to his prayers-Isa 65:24, Daniel 9:23
(8) The saints of old aren't in heaven yet and are yet to resurrect from death ,but would resurrect on the day Christ would come back again- John 6:44
(9) We all have duty to pray when we come into together because God said His house (which is the church) shall be called a house of prayer and such prayer in His house, shouldn't be vain repeatition of words.
(10) We are to maintain orderliness when we come into the presence of God to pray or do anything-1 Corinthians 14:10. It's necessary we maintain discipline when praying. The discipline is not a doctrine but it's necessary for orderliness sake. for instance,the church of God International faces the East to pray because the glory of the Lord started from the East- Ezekiel 43:2 and this is done for orderliness purpose. Facing the East to pray is not to worship the sun, because the prayers aren't made only when the sun rises but prayers are made at all times.
(11) If two parents are praying that fears the Lord and their children too are obeying and following the doctrine of Christ and are praying, God would answer the prayer of the family because He delights in the prayers if those that fear and obey Him and do His commandment-2Chronicles 7:14.
(12) God isn't willing to afflict us. sometimes we are faced with problems because of the punishment of the sin that we commit-Lamentation 3:39. God won't punish us without a reason. God loves mankind that He had to give His only begotten son to die to redeem mankind-John 3:16.
(13) There's nothing God can not do. God want us to be contented and trust Him for all our needs. He promised not to leave us or forsake us-Heb13:5. The peace we get is more important than any other thing. we should not have love for money, we should always pray to God for our need- Matthew 7:7-8.
(14) When we asked anything from God, we should do that with faith. Doubting can hinder our prayers. we should believe God for anything we want. God doesn't want us to be anxious for anything- James 1:6, Philippines 4:6. The solution for christians is prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. God promised to answer if we asked Him of anything in the name of Jesus. We are not to pray in the name of any other otherwise our prayers would be in vain-John 16:23.

(1) I use to think that it's still ok confessing our sins to the priest .
(2) I never too that it's an obligation to pray to God for those who had sinned against us for God to forgive them after we must have forgiven them too
(3)I used to believe too that some of the saints of old are already in heaven

(1) I have now learnt that we owe our confession firstly to God and then to the person we have sinned against.
(2) I have also learnt that it is our obligation to pray to God in turn for forgiveness for the person that sinned against us and has confessed to us.
(3) I have also learnt that the saints of old aren't in heaven yet but would be resurrected when Christ shall come on the day of rapture.
(4) I have also learnt that when the family is obeying God and doing according to the doctrine of God,that God would hear their prayers when they pray.
(5) I have also learnt that God won't afflict us without any reason, and that some of the problems we faced is as a result of the sin we commit.
(6) I have also learnt that i should be contented with anything i have and to always bring my needs before God without doubting.

Thanks for reading through. Hope we are all blessed with this piece. You are invited to join us in our subsequent studies. God bless you.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
