Mass indoctrination Day 6 on 15/8/2022

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Calvary greetings to us all. Hope we are doing pretty. Am brother Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post to share my lessons on the mass indoctrination Day 6. This post is done on the 15/8/22

The teaching started with the effect on prayers when the entire household is good and according to James 5:16-17, Elijah prayed to God for it not to rain for Three and the half years (42 months) so that the wicked can contemplate. according to the passage the prayer of Elijah was honoured because he was righteous. we also learnt from the passage we sin against each other that we are not to first confess our sins to the Priest. we are to confess to the person who we sin against and the person we sin against would pray to God for forgiveness on our behalf and we would be healed. According to 1John 5:16,we can pray for a brother to God for forgiveness of sin if it's not unt death but sin unto death,can not be forgiven. There are two types of sins; (1) sin that is unto death and
(2) sin that's not unto death
If we see a brother that sin,our first obligation is to pray for him and not to spread the sin about. if we have love,we would forgive one another. love covers a multitude of sin- 1Pt4:8. we live in a world were there's always tendency to sin. Just to have a foolish taught is a sin. According to Psalms 32:5,we should firstly make of confession to God then the person we erred again . sins can be forgiven particularly if we confess it-Prv28:13. the obligation of the person that was sinned against, is to pray for the person and this is a spirit of love.

The prayer of the righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man like us but he prayed and God answered him-Luke 4:25-27. Elisha too prayed for Naaman and Naaman was cleansed , though other Prophets were there too but God healed him through the prayer of Elisha. According to Isaiah 65:24, before we even speak, God would answer because He delights in us, so we don't need to be making vain repetition. The answering of our prayers is not in the volume of words but delights in the prayer of him that keeps His law, so let our words be few when praying to God-Matthew 6:7-8. The doctrine is to be taught in the temple according to Daniel 9:21.
We also learnt in Psalms 16:3 that God is delighted in the saints. The saints before now are dead and not in heaven and would only rise up when Christ returns-John 6:44,so it's wrong to say that the Saints are in heaven. According to 1Thes 5:14, the rising of the death would be on the last day. If we live like the saints, then God would be delighted in us and our prayers too. In Prv 15:8,the bible teaches us that the prayer of the wicked is an abomination to God but He delights in the prayer of the righteous. If we pray, while obeying God's word, God would hear us. In Daniel 9:18, Daniel prayed for the transgressions of the people and before he could finished praying, God granted answer to his prayers. In same vain, if the family is obeying God's word and the family prays to God, God would answer.

We also learnt in Ephesians 3:15, that there's an household of God both in heaven and on earth. The household of God on earth is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and ground of all truth- 1 Tim 3:15. The house of God is the church of the living God. We learnt too that God dwells not in the temple made with hands-Acts 17:24. When Solomon built a temple (Isa 56:7) God Said the House built shall be called a house of prayer and not necessarily where He would dwell. In 1Corinthians 3:16,we saw that there that we are the temple of God and in this temple (us) do God dwells abd hence, we should keep it holy. The church of God should be a gathering of a prayerful people. Prayer should be one of the major activity when we meet in the house of God and the prayer we make shouldn't be repetitions. God listen and He isn't deaf.

According to the teaching we also learnt that there should be orderliness when we come to the house of God. kneeling to pray helps us too to achieve orderliness while praying in the church. Facing a particular direction to pray just as Daniel did, praying towards the temple in Jerusalem. The members church of God International prays facing the East because it's where God's glory started. It's actually a discipline doing this and not a doctrine.-Ezekiel 43:2.
God promised not to forsake us according to Heb13:5 . we should be contented with what we have otherwise it would cause us to do evil. Proverbs 17:1, says a dry morsel with quietness is better than a sacrifice with strife. Anything we have,we should thank God and be content with it. The peace we derive from making use of what we have is more important than any other thing. When we ask,it shall be given to us,when we seek,we shall find and when we knock it shall be open to us. we should always have hope. God understand everything more than any man. He is always willing to listen to our prayers if we will do His will. we need to ask in faith when praying to God. faithlessness can hinder our prayers-James1:7. Paul in Phil 4:6 told us not to be anxious for everything but in all things through prayers with supplication and Thanksgiving let our request be made known to God. we can always depend on the goodness and mercy of God. In John 16:23, Christ assured us of answer to our request if we ask the father of anything in His name.

Thanks for reading through. Am sure we bless going through this piece. You are invited to join us in the remaining part of the mass indoctrination. Thanks and God bless.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

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