Mass indoctrination Day, 5 12/8/22

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Calvary greetings to us breathrens. Glory be to God making it possible for us to always have the opportunity to listen to God's word. Am brother Ajah Kelvin and doing to share with us my benefits from the mass indoctrination Day 5. This post is done on the 12/8/22.

The teaching was still centered on prayer. Apart from the tongue which we have to subject during prayers to God, there are other things too which we are to subject. One of which is the body. According to Matthew 19:6, there should be mutual relationship between the husband and the wife because they are one flesh. The husband and wife have their body for themselves. The wife has no power over her body except the husband and the man has no power over his body except the wife. The husband and wife shouldn't deny denied themselves of sexual intercourse, but during the period of fasting and prayer, intercourse should be restrained, however with the consent of each other. There should be discipline over the flesh during the period of fasting and prayer so as to demote themselves to God. During fasting, there should be abstainance from the fleshy desires. During fasting and prayer we need to totally commit ourselves to it. There is power in fasting and prayer and God hears us when we fast and pray. Prayer coupled with fasting has great power. when science fails, fasting and prayer prevails. Fasting is an act that is done with prayer and not just to be done alone.
During fasting and prayer, bonds are broken (Isa 58:6). If we are struggling from any negative habit, we can fast and pray and be the bond would be broken.
During the time of fasting and prayer, we are to let go those that are indebted to us and couldn't pay back. If they don't have the interest to pay us back, we should let it go. we should feed the hungry with out food we are going to eat our food. we should cloth those that don't have and assist the poor.
We also learnt that fasting has great benefit to the body. it boost the immune system. fasting is like switching on the body to fight against infectious agents in the body. when we fast , we should do it with the right motive;we shouldn't fast for others to see us - Mt 6:16. when we fast, we should control our eyes, looking at a woman lustfully, we have already committed adultery/ fornication in our heart-Matthew 5:28 and it is forbidden for a woman to expose her body to another man. The implications of exposing her body is that it would make those that are lusting after her to want to continue to desire her; they would have eyes full of lust. The woman's body is for her husband and shouldn't be displayed to another.
what we do while praying matters alot. The eyes should be kept whole by not desiring anything evil with it.

We also learnt that husband and wife should live in accordance to the doctrine of Christ. The husband should understand the wife. The Man should consider the wife in such times when she isn't fit enough; the man should understand her weakness. A man shouldn't force himself on his wife when she just put to birth . Not acting nicely to the wife, would make the man's prayers to be hindered. The man is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. The man shouldn't be dominated by the woman, the man should be the head of the family ie the wife should be subject to the husband, she should honour him as the head of the family. The man should take the head role and represent Christ in the home. The man should be able to watch over the wife. The woman shouldn't dress seductively outside her home.
The man must not be idle, he must work and provide for his household, other wise he said to be worst than an infidel-1Tim5:8.

According to 1 Corinthians 11:4-5,7-10,24-15, it's wrong for a man to cover his head while praying or prophesying otherwise he would be dishonoring his head. the woman should cover her head while praying or prophesying, if she does not, she is dishonoring her head. it's a shame for the man to keep long hair. The covering on the woman is a sign of authority above her, that's she is subjet to her husband under the authority of Christ. The covering is the one given by God to her. The covering of the woman is her long hair. The head of the man is a representation of Christ and hence shouldn't cover his head while praying before God. In Ephesians 5:25-28,The husband is to love his wife. He should treat the wife as himself. Its actually favor from God to get a good wife. A good is a favor from God and if we have such a wife, we should treat them well- Prv19:14,Prv18:22. A wife should be treated very well. The wife should take good care of her body too so her husband would keep desiring her. The woman she clean, for cleanliness is next to godliness. The husband shouldn't be cruel to his wife. We should always be praying for the family. It's very parents to be holy, because this can affect the kind of home they are going to raise. when the husband and wife are holo, they would raise godly children-1Cor 7:14.

God keep giving us the desire to learn from His word. Want to invite us to the Day 6 of the mass indoctrination. God bless you all.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

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