Mass indoctrination Day 13

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago


Calvary greetings to everyone. Hope we are all doing greatly. Am brother Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post to share my lessons on the mass indoctrination Day 13. This post was done on the 30th August 2022.

(1) There are four (4) kinds of hearts according to Matthew 13:3-8, Luke 8:13-15 and out of the four, three of the hearts are evil and only one is good and that is the one that receives God's words whole heartedly with patience. we are to desire the fourth type of heart ie the good heart.
(2) Being in Christ is for change to take place in our lives and one change is that we shall acquire the fear of God not to commit sin - Romans 6:4
(3) There are two types of sins according to 1 John5:16; sin that is unto death and the sin not unto death. The sin that is unto death is not forgiveable, while the sin that is not unto death is forgiveable ie we can pray for such an individual and he/she would be forgiven. Praying for someone that is involved in sin that's unto death is going against God's commandment and God wouldn't acknowledge such a prayer. we aren't wiser than God.
(4) According to Titus 3:9-10, after warning such a brethren indulging in evil more than twice and such a person still continue in the act, then such a person should be expelled from the gathering and if they are not, they would end up polluting the others. expulsion is permitted in the scripture-1Cor5:13.
(5) According to Matthew 12:32 and Mark 3:29, Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is one of the sin that can't be forgiven. It's a sin unto death and we can't pray for forgiveness for a person guilty of it.
(6) There are four acts which the Holy Spirit forbids the church from indulging in; eating food sacrifice to idols, eating blood, eating strangled things and fornication-Acts 15:19-20.
(7). We are not to bow or kneel down or pray to any creature other than God. Giving reverence to other creatures than God is idolatry and it's abominable before God. 1 Pt4:3, Rms 1:25. In Rev22:8, we saw how Saint John was refused by the angel from to bowing down to him. we are to worship only God,hence it's wrong bowing to Statue
(8) God wasn't begotten by any but can begat. Christ was begotten by God even before the world was created- John17:5 ,John1:1. The god of Muslim wasn't begat and don't begat, hence the god of Muslim is different from the God of Christians and anything sacrificed to the god of Muslim is forbidden to be eaten by Christians, for food offered to idols defiles. Apostle Paul and Prophet Ezekiel avoided eating what is abominable as seen in Acts 10:14 and Ezekiel 4:14 respectively.
(9) Blood is spiritually sacred, for the life of the flesh is in the blood. The blood was it used in the past for the atonement of the soul. All things are cleansed by the blood-Heb9:22. It is prohibited to eat blood-Leviticus 17:10. We are to pour the blood away before eating the animal-Leviticus 17:13

(1)I formerly had the believed that any sin can be forgiven by God.
(2) I used to believe that one can rebaptized as a way of taking away former sins
(3) I used to belief that there is nothing wrong with eating strangled meat

(1). I have learn that blasphemy against the Holy spirit is not forgiveable and forgiveness can't be prayed for such either.
(2) I have also learnt that there is no heart that God can't heal if only we repent from our sins and start living in obedience to His word.
(3). I have also learnt that it's unscriptural to bow before any statue or being, only God is to be worshiped.
(4). I have learnt that rebaptism isn't biblical and such practice or doctrine is wrong.
(5). I have learnt that eating of blood is an abomination before God and we should abstained from it.
(6). I have also leant that eating food sacrificed to idols is a sin and it defiles the soul.

God bless us all as we keep obeying His word. I want to also invite us to join us in the mcgi programs. Remain bless


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
