Mass indoctrination, Day 12 be on 23/8/22

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

God day brethren. All glory to God for making it possible for us to hear God's word today, it's indeed a thing of great joy because nothing can be compared to the word of God in our heart. Am brother Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post to share my lessons from Day 12 of the mass indoctrination.

From the study,we learnt according to the book of Rm 2:4 that, it's by God's leading that we come into repentance. Phi2:13,it's God that works in us both to do and to will. It's not by our own doing. Naturally, the natural man is after the desire of earthly things e.g having spouse, friends, degree, etc. The natural man doesn't desire the will of God but are more concern about the things of this world. So,when we have the desire to seek the Lord, then it's God creating this desire in us. Unfortunately, some doesn't know about this. Col3:1-2, if we are of God then our affection should be set on things that are above;we would mind more of heavenly things. No matter how busy we are, we must have time to keep building our faith-Acts 17:28, if we seek Him,we would find him. It's God that gives us life and without life we can't do anything and hence,we should give him priority in our daily activities. Isa65:1,it's our responsibility to serve God. Knowing the kind of people we are is very important ie We are expected to know ourselves/ who we are. Knowing who we are is important. Acts18:2,Aquila commanded that all Jews should depart from Rome ,it was their policy/tradition. Knowing who we are helps us in our belief system.
Desiring to listen to God's word is a good desire and comes from God. Two things exist on earth, good and evil. We should desire to do that which is good. We should be watchful because the devil would do all he could to stop us from hearing and doing according to Gods work- Acts 13:7.

In the book of Matt 13:3, we learnt the parable of the sower Jesus to explain the different types of heart that hears the word of God. As the sower went out to sow the seeds, Some seeds fell on stony ground, some wayside ,some on thorns and some on good soil. Only the seeds on the good soil ,germinated ,grew and brought fruits. Luke 8:11,the interpretation is as such, the seeds is the word of God, those by the wayside are those that hear the word and the devil came and stole away the word from their heart so that they don't get to believe and get safe. On the way side,there are many distractions. 1Pt5:8,the devils keeps walking about to distract us particularly for those by the wayside. Those on rock,received the word with joy,but they have no depth and hence after a while in the face of temptation, they fall away. The sun is the temptation. We need to internalized God's word. Those on thorns,hears the word but are chocked up with thorns. The thorns refers to the affairs of this life and won't allow them to grow in the things of God. The seed on the good soil, are they are with an honest and good heart; they hear the word, keep it and bear fruits. It's good we desire the Fourth heart,which falls on good ground. Christ teaches us this so we can examine ourselves and know where we fall into. It necessary for self assessment. We shouldn't allow ambitions to cause us to loss our direction in life. We should focus more on the things of God. It's the devils desire that we don't have the good heart. Out of the 4, only one is good and hence we see too in the world that the evil heart are more than the good ones. The good news is that there is a provision to give us a good heart-Eze36:26 if only we returned to God genuinely. If through science, a new heart through transplant can be made, then how much more with God. God's heart isn't the material heart. Science can put new physical heart, spiritually, God can put a new heart in us. He can take away the stony heart and put in us the good heart. If only we believe and obey God, he can change our heart. He can give us a right ambition. He can cleanse our heart and make it a brand new one.

The word of God can change any heart if we allow it to dwell in our hearts. There are many things out there to choke God's word in our heart. So,we are to guide the heart with all diligence. God is powerful to change any heart. Gen 1:2, The Holy spirit who move over the face of the earth and created things which were not there before.If the Holy spirit can create rocks,mountains, etc, then the heart isn't difficult to change-Ps104:30. Paul was very wicked. He persecuted the believers from one region to another. He called himself the chief sinner, but God was able to change him.Acts 22:4,he persecuted both men and women. He was indeed very wicked but all glory to God who was able to change him from whom he was but a new being with a changed heart and called to be an apostle.
1 cor 6:9-11, in time past,we were involved in different kind of sins,but we are later cleansed through baptism and became members of the church. Without being cleansed, we can't enter the kingdom of God. All we need to do is to returned to God, repent and be safe.

Hope we are blessed too going through the post. You are invited to join us in the remaining part of the mass indoctrination. God bless us all.


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