Mass indoctrination Day 10

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Calvary greetings to us all and happy Sunday from this side of the world (Africa, Nigeria). Am brother Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post to share my lesson on the Mass indoctrination Day 10. This post is done on the 21/8/22.

Topic: The apparel commanded by God for the inner and outer man.

From the teaching, we learnt that there is a recommended apparel for both the inner and outer man. some dress seductively intentionally to lure others to them;they exposed their sensitive body parts to attracts people. In the true church of God, we must not dress anyhow. The children of God in the true church have two being; outer man and inner man. According to 2Corinthians 4:16-18,Paul talks of the inner man which is renewed day by day ay the outer man which is weakened as it ages. The outward man is physical and the inner man is spiritual. we can only see the outer man but the inner man we can't see; it's only expressed conduct.
There are people who may have two(2) different types of man ie outwardly they are man but inwardly they are not, they are beastly-Mt7:15. They do things like animals;they don't reason and are full of corruption and just as a dog returned to its vomit so they prefer doing that which is wrong (Prv26;11),they prefer that which is fooly. we also have people who are man both on the outer and inner side.

According to Gen1:26, man is a creature after the likeness and imagine of God and that's given dominion over the works of creation. Man is a creature that is not evil. The inner man that's man feels delighted in the law of the Lord but the inner man that is beastly inside hates the law. hateeyis born put of the beastly man-Romans 7:22. when we are manly inward,we would demonstrate love to everyone, we would be kind to one another irrespective of their religion. It gives delight to be able to fulfill the commandments of God. hence ,we need to assess ourselves to know whether the word of God still dwells in us-2Cor13:5. it's God's commandment for us to always examine ourselves. If we respect God, fear and keep His law,then we are manly inwardly,the beastly man would refuse the law of God-Jr6:6. Those that are beastly inside love darkness more than light (john 3:19). According to Jn8:12 Jesus is the light and there are some who prefer the darkness rather than the light.A heart that thinks evil about others is beastly. A father that reaps hidt daughter is beastly inside.

According to 1peter3;3, man are more interested in adorning the outside which can be seen but not the part that is out of sight.; they prefer to keep the out clean but the inside is full of rotteness. Adorning outwardly is prohibited but the adorning should rather be of the inner man.Adorning the hair with jewelry is prohibited. God is always right and gave us the commandment for our benefits so we won't get into something harmful. when we apply those substances on the skin, it would absorbed it ans this cause disease.According to Dr Robber Yan,if you can't eat it, then don't eat it. There are natural substance which we can use on our body.According to Hosea 2:13, using those adornment on us, makes us to concentrate more on the adornment than God and this is called idolatry and God hates idolatry. they even make us boastful and it's not a good attitude. God isn't happy with those who are More interested in their adornment. God rebuke to the woman of Israel because of excessive adornment and this can attract curse from God. if we want to avoid stinging before God,then lets obey the word of God. God doesn't like us painting our faces. God wants us to be natural-Rom9:20-21.. God way us to contented with the way He had made us. God wants us go look real and not artificial. we should appreciate the way we are. If there's any adornment that is important to God in the hidden man-ps119:11. we should adorn the heart with the word of the spirit. concerning adorning of woman. we also learnt woman are to be in modest appearal(1tim 2:-10). A modest appearal shouldn't display sensitive part of the body.


Thanks for going through. I want to use this medium to invite us to join us in the remaining part!


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

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