in MCGI Cares Hive4 years ago

Good day beloved. It's always with excitement to be here. I thank God for the successful recovery of my hacked account.

This video is made as a comment in response to the topic "DO WE ALL BELIEVE IN ONE GOD?
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We do not all believe in one God. Different religions have different Gods they believe and worship. There are religions who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (Christianity) and there are religions that do not. There are religion which forbid certain foods and there are religions that permit everything to be eaten.
Looking at all these realities, we can't say that we all believe in one God and it's impossible to reconcile that, because the only true God teaches us only one doctrine and not different contradictory doctrine.

The only true God is the one that spoke to Moses, Isaac, Jacob, etc.

Although most of the religion claims that we all have one God but reality does not agree to this. There are many Gods in Hinduism, Judaism, etc.

According to Galatians 4:8
Galatians 4:8 Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.

So, we see according to the scripture above that there are different Gods and people out of ignorance of the true God make themselves victim of the false gods.

The true God is one God called in the Bible as divinity or the God head.
