Live Bible Study hold on 14th February 2023

Good evening Brethrens may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all Amen, glory be to God almighty for another wonderful teaching today from the Bible study.


In today's teaching brother Ali talked about the old Bible which is the old station of God got some wishes are still using the old teachings which is not okay that the New testament is there for us to use because it contains the new commandments which just Christ has given to us himself by coming down to die in the cross of Calvary for us.

Just like in the Old testament where precious are still using for collection of tight 10% of your income should be paid as tight as Christ has already corrected this this is in the Old testament where we don't have to be paying 10% of our tithe to any church that we have to give from our heart that is what we give that will be okay for her for us as our tithe in the church,

Brother Eli also talked about we are examining whatever a preacher tells us that we should always be careful what we hear that some are there to deceive us and tell us what is not obtainable that we should always go with what we have in our Bible that was to always examine what we hear from the preacher through the Bible that we should not just listen and let go that will also confirm it from the Bible so this is what we should be doing whenever we attended gatherings of preacher.
In the Church of God that's what we do keeping ourselves in check by going through the word of god together, that's what we do in the Bible studies that will do study and the doctrination services that will hold every day we try to learn the doctrines of Christ Jesus.

So is good we keep the doctrines of Christ so that we can partake in his eternal life in heaven when he comes to take us home we should always be awake by doing good and helping people who are in need, fit the needs clothes that doesn't have clothes, we should be the lights of the world we should shine so that people will come closer to god through us by we showing the light.

We are inviting you to join the MCGI Cares (Hive) community that study the words of God and also earn some reward by making our reactions on it. We can check this link


Thank you brother for joining, we appreciate your presence on our Zoom meeting

Glory be to God brother