Ideology, Is It Biblical? (Part 1).... MCGI Topic Review.

What is the meaning of ideology?

The meaning of the word ideology, according to the dictionary;

it says, is a system of social beliefs, a closely organized system of beliefs, values, and ideas forming the basis of a social, economic, or political philosophy or program. The second meaning is meaningful belief system, a set of beliefs, values, and opinions that shapes the way a person or a group sees, as a social class thinks, acts, and understands the world.

Across all the 71 English translations of the Bible, the phrase 'ideology' is not found, that is because the term emerged much later in human history as the philosophies of man.

And what does the Bible say about the philosophies of men?

The word 'philosophy' is used in the Bible, but it is prohibited by the Bible, that we must not indulge in philosophies of men or we must approach it with caution. Just to clarify things, let us see the book of Colossians, chapter 2:8;

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ" (NIV).

So you see, these human ideologies can mislead believers and detract from the truth found in Christ. Now, considering that the meaning of the word ideology is a system of beliefs, let us look it up from the idea of the Bible in Titus 1:4.

To Titus, my own son, after the common faith, Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Among Christians 'The common faith' is the faith of all Christians, It is common among all Christians. If 'ideology' is defined as a system of belief, organized system, man- invented system, 'The common faith' is not an invented system but the divinely revealed truth of God, grounded in His word, and which serves as a guide to the christians.

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Truth. We must approach ideology with caution is we must approach it at all. I know we do have personal ideologies and these are shaped by our social interactions. But as you have pointed out, ideology is a system of beliefs and man-invented mostly. So we must be careful with the kind of contents we expose ourselves to. This world is not accommodating to Christ.