Good day Family❤
It's been a long while, I've been extremely not busy😂 but too "lazy" to post. How're we all doing? I'm here preparing for Christmas 🎄 🕺💃. Okay, we'd be looking at the topic "Hunger for God" and our focus bible text would be Psalm 42:1-2.

Ps.42.1 - As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
Ps.42.2 - My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?

Hunger is one of the greatest assets of a child of God
Firstly, what is hunger📍?

Merriam-Webster defines hunger as thus : a strong desire : a strong desire for something or to do something

Now from the definition above the key words there are "strong desire". So to "Hunger for God" is to strongly desire God, David was an example of someone who strongly desired God, he longed for God's presence.


We can see in the first verse of Psalm 42 where he likened his desire for God to the desire a hart(male deer) has for water.

Please follow this explanation that was shared by Apst. Joshua Selman at a meeting.

A deer is a wild animal that's greatly sought after by predators because of its stench and for the deer, water is very important. When it gets to the water brooks it can drink water to regain energy and also wash off its stench for a while. So to the deer, getting to the water brooks is a matter of life and death. This is what David likened his hunger for God to, as a matter of life and death🔥!!!! This shows the extent to which David sought God.


Are you indeed hungry for God? It's not only about going to church or getting involved with a lot of church activities. Do you have a heart posture that continually seeks God?

Matt.5.6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (KJV)

Those who indeed hunger and thirst shall at the end be filled. So if you've not yet received the fullness of Christ then you need to check if truly you desire it wholeheartedly.

The bible asks us to seek God first above everything other thing, above wealth, above fame, above every thing the world has to offer‼️. Please don't get me wrong, being wealthy is very good but when money starts to take God's place in your heart it becomes a sin. One of the old testament commandment was that they shouldn't worship any other god asides from God.

Pst. Chingtok Ishaku says and I quote, what you hold highest in your heart is who you worship💯.

This is a wake up call to believers, to hunger afresh for God. Not just once but every single day, to hunger after his presence, after his fullness and just like the bible promises in the beatitudes above, as we hunger continually for God he shall fill us with his very spirit in Jesus name. Amen

Thank you Jesus for your word, we ascribe all glory to your holy name. Amen

If you were blessed kindly reblog and also if you have any questions or contribution feel free to engage me in the comment section. 😇❤