Why Do People Die?(Part 3 of 3)|The Old Path|MCGI

in MCGI Cares Hiveyesterday (edited)

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Topic Review: Why Do People Die?|The Old Path

Bible references: Isaiah 57:1, Deuteronomy 32:39

Many people see death as an evil thing. Death is actually not an evil thing. Anyone who knows God and is rooted in the word of God knows this. Death is a part of life. It comes for everyone, good or bad. Perfect men in the Bible died; even the most righteous of all, Jesus, also died. Death can be a form of salvation in a way. Let's read Isaiah 57:1.

The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.

It's natural to be grieved when we lose someone, especially a loved one. Having to live without that person can be really daunting, especially if there was a high level of closeness between both of you. But we are encouraged here in this verse that we should not take it to heart.

For everything that happens, God has a tangible reason for letting it happen. It says further in the verse, referring to the righteous, that they are taken away to be spared from evil. So we can see that what we perceive to be evil is actually a form of rescue for the saints.

Those that died in the Lord were actually saved from evil and not delivered to evil.God's plans for us are all good, regardless of how they may seem. Our death actually proves the existence of God. How it does so is that it shows us how powerful He is and how lowly we are. It proves that we are not the owners of our lives.

It is wrong to think that you are the owner of your life. If we truly are, no one would let his or her life be taken away. The fact that people die every day, whether old or young, is a clear indication that no one is actually in control of their lives. We did not give ourselves life or create it ourselves, so we don't have the power to retain it.

Look at what God has to say in the Book of Deuteronomy 32:39.

See now that I myself am he! There is no god besides me. I put to death and I bring to life; I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand.

Only an ignorant person would think that he is in charge of his own life. People engage in regular checkups, daily exercises, and healthy diets to ensure a healthy life. There is nothing wrong with those things; they are actually good, but they do not guarantee you a long life. The length of one's life is dependent on God.

Death is inevitable. But on the good side, it teaches us to be prepared, because no one is aware of the day he'll leave this earth. And so it teaches us how to live our lives in accordance with God's will, which involves showing love to one another, departing from evil, and proclaiming Christ and the rest.

Living a godly life keeps us in check till the day we return to our eternal home to remain forever with the Father.

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