Giving back to God is the best thing, such individuals will have nothing to lose, but, rather enjoy the caring of God.
God is wonderful in every ways and has power over everything. No one has all solutions to our problems or challenges but God is above all.
When you gave God all, there is always a reward for it, blessed are those who dedicated their all to the God of the universe the true God which uphold justice and sited on the throne of righteousness, pure and holy is our God.
Whenever, a called happen, people tend to come up with different excuses, may having no time for the things of the Lord, but they have time to watch football, play games all days but when it's come to the things of the spirit, they are not interested, of course, it will not interest them because canal mind different from the the thing's of the spirit.
Some people are fun of, i have just little times i can't stay that in the presence of God, some says, pastors delayed them in the church, but they started saying because pastor stayed in mission house, therefore he/she doesn't want to care how many hours they spend before the Lord, so unfortunately for this set of people, they preferred spending theirs entire day on watching movies and playing games
Food for thought; have you ever seen a dead man watching movies? Or have anyone of us ever think God is faithful enough for the gift of life. If you're around hospital area or working there, you will definitely reflect on God mercies and passion for humanity. But, still many people will think off the road because they thought that being alive and healthy it their entitlement and not a privilege, but if it is about entitlement, what about those who are not on the land of the living?
Surrendered to God is the best experience one's could witness in this life times, i haven't never seen anyone who submitted it all to God, that God forgot, such individuals will keep enjoy the goodness of God in all ramifications, when God will repay them for their faithfulness towards theirs services and dedication to God, know know but they will definitely be rewarded.
Prayers; Lord Jesus Christ, help me to give all and surrender to you alone so i could enjoy your goodness and mercy. Thank you all for reading, have a blessed day/night.