The Purpose of our existence// unmitigated message by Pastor Eli, and my contribution.

in MCGI Cares Hivelast year

YouTube video link

Greetings Brethren, it is my pleasure to come up again with this nicely 3 series of YouTube teaching by Pastor Eli Soriano on the purpose of our existence

I believe you would love going through and also have a rethink as we navigate through the end from the first part of the teaching through the end part.

Part 1 of 3 YouTube video link

In this first part of Pastor Eli's message, he started by saying that **It is not because of our purpose that we exist, it is because of the purpose of the one who created us.

Hence, he cited the book of Ephesian 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.-kjv

From my comprehension of this scripture as used by Pastor Eli, I understood that we didn't create ourselves, despite how we look, talk or feel but we are created just to do good works which God has already commanded before our existence.

I also observed through this scripture as Pastor Eli ministered that every other title we may hold in the world has nothing to brag about compared to the purpose of God creating us. For instance, if someone is a prophet in the Church, he should do good in his calling or office as a prophet.

Someone happens to be a president, he should do good to others as a president. When we find ourselves in a position of authority, we have to understand that it is gody who has placed us in such authority as to capitalize on it as a medium for doing good.

God did not create us as statuett in our respective areas of calling for men to worship us; rather we are created just for good work in every position we are holding.

We were born without our consent- Pastor Eli Soriano

This is just accurate by Pastor Eli. Many people have said if I'm to choose I would have been the opposite of my sex than what they are but the fact is that we are all created in the order we are because God knows that that is how best we can be as good to do good works.

Again, he quoted the book of Ecclesiastes 6:3 If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.-kjv

Even if you live a hundred years but you do not do good work, then the purpose of your existence was defeated by yourself- Pastor Eli Soriano

Most times, I try to make sense as much as I could through my different publications because I don't know who may intend to go through whatever I'm publishing.

The scripture above as cited by Pastor Eli is also pointing at doing good because it is a soul that is filled with good that can do good.

The summary of that scripture is that longevity on its own is not the fulfillment of years rather the fulfillment of destiny or purpose is better than a lengthy years of emptiness.

Part 2 of 3 YouTube video link

In this second video, Pastor Eli started by quoting that *Everything - our heart, our minds, our eyes, the whole being is prepared to do what is good. That is the purpose of God.

Hence he cited the book of
Galatians 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.-kjv

From this scripture, I understood that even Apostle Paul knows that we only have a limited time here on earth. We don't have all the time here on earth but just a few times.

There is a normal tease down here in Nigeria which people do say who you help .when we live our lives without impacting or helping others, it means that we just wasted our years and destinies in the grave because there is no continuity of the grace that such a fellow came to the world with.

So we must make sure that we do good to our fellow men as long as we breath because even God has numbered our days here on earth despite how strong and respected we are, our days are numbered before we came as this present world does not stand to serve as our permanent home.

Pastor Eli also quoted the book of Ephesians 2:10 which I've already expantiated above in line with this teaching.

Pastor Eli also said that our body is not fit for evil because even how the body is structured, we would observe that it wasn't designed to do evil.

For instance, most people who kill does that we sharp objects and other metals like gun and cutlass but it is unconducive a bit tedious for an evil person to kill with hand which makes the body more fit for good works and not evil works.

Part 3 of 3 YouTube video link

In this final video of this teaching, Pastor Eli started by saying that the purpose of our creator bringing the bus into life is to be doers of the goodness he prepared for us.

Nevertheless, Pastor Eli cited the book of 2 Timothy chapter 2:20-21 which takes into account the diverse vessels that are in a house.

The degree at which we yield to God will determine the extent God can use us. I learnt through this same 2 Timothy 20-21 that we have our roles to play as humans and God also has His role to play as a guide to us and until we yield ourselves, we wouldn't make vessels of honor before God although we may be vessels of honor before men.

It says that we must be sanctified from all evil works which was represented by all these. So for us to do good work, we must be sanctified and made ready, else we find ourselves in the shoes of the former life of Apostle Paul where he said the things he never loved, he finds himself doing.

Finally, I would love to draw the curtain with this annotation by Pastor Eli.
*We exist not for ourselves alone, we believe we exist to do something good to every person we meet along the way.

Thank you for your noble perusal and God bless His servants. Hope to see you in my next publication bye and 💗


We are expected as humans to always make good impact in everywhere we find ourselves, let others see our good works and glorify our father who is in heaven. Thanks for sharing this brother.

Thanks for going through brother. Really we must recognize that doing good is why we are here on earth because he that does good is of Christ and he that does evil works is of the devil. Thanks for your noble perusal once again bye.