Greetings Brethren, I hope that we are all doing good. It was another great time studying the word of God with the MCGI community, and it was really massive with the Brethren.
In the course of my engagement in which I'm serving my country as a Youth corps member, I don't really have time to engage in much for the day except on Mondays and Saturdays as I go to class to lecture students everyday.
Nonetheless, I joined to share in the MCGI program through the YouTube channel as I'm subscribed to it also, and in this article, I will be sharing what I learnt in the course of Brother Daniel and Pastor Eli's teaching.
The YouTube video channel
We can check through the link above to subscribe and also listen to the word of God which has the power to change us for better.
In this teaching, Brother Daniel Razon took the lead in expantiating the word of God although at a point, Pastor Eli was played to talk about politics as it concerns us today and also the incoming Philippine election was partially deliberated.
There were several scriptures that was used in today's program, and they include:
Eph 5:24, 1 Tim 3:15, Heb 3:6, Matt 22:37-39, 1 John 5:3, Col 3:14, Job 29:15, Rom 6:13, Rom 12:1.
Ephesians 5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.- KJV
Brother Daniel talked about how people should behave in the house of God. I learnt through this scripture that women should be subject to their husband and also that men shouldn't marry plenty wives because it will be very difficult for him to control and as it was taught in this message that when you marry plenty women, you must provide them with their respective needs and I believe that this may not be easy for a man that is not well to do in terms of finances etc.
I also learnt that the church is subject to Christ in the sense that the Church should obey Christ in everything because it is Christ who owns the Church.
1 Timothy 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.-kjv
This scripture as cited by Brother Daniel is also in correlation with the citation above but I learnt as Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy in this regard that men of God or Church leaders should have good control over the house of God.
The behavior of people in the shopping malls and market places shouldn't be the behavior of people in the church. We have to be more coordinated in the Church and in ourselves because we are the pillar of the truth.
The world is looking at the Church to see if there is anything different between them and the Church, and when they see that the church isn't well coordinated, they will be compelled to believe that it is of no importance to sacrifice their time for God in any way.
So when the church is organized and in good position with its owner, the world will be compelled to join the Church.
Hebrews 3:6 But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.- KJV
This scripture was cited in comparison to Moses the man of God who was also the servant of God accredited to be faithful in his house as a leader of God's people.
In the same vein, Christ is not a servant but a Son, which means that Christians or believers are in a better position to have belonged to the House of the Son of God, and we have a greater assurance if we hold on to our belief and joy in Christ.
I also learnt through this scripture as brother Daniel taught, that we are the house of God so we carry the spirit of Christ in us which is the Holy Spirit of God and so we have to keep to this faith in joy.
Pastor Eli was ushered to discuss a little about politics and he defined politics as the science of government administration.
He talked about the theocratic system of government that God instituted during the time of Moses and he further reinforced that politics is not evil or bad compared to how people are painting it as it is rather a means through which credible persons can be brought into office.
Pastor Eli also talked about the greatest commandment of God to men which is love, so he cited the books of Matt 22:37- 39, 1 John 5:3, Col 3:14
We must love God and our fellow men- Pastor Eli Soriano
Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.- KJV
This statement was in response to the question posed by a lawyer to Jesus intending to know the greatest of all the commandments of God and Jesus answered according to the verse above.
I learnt that in all that we do to please God, we have to put loving him first, and how do we love him? This is by also loving those around us because God is invisible that we can directly do things which proves that we love him but when we show love to our fellow men, that proves we love God.
Pastor Eli further asked if it is by repetition of words that we love God, and the answer is No! because we believe God in our heart even without rephrasing or repeating a word after men of God but we prove that we love God by our actions.
1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.- KJV
God really want us to succeed and that is why he made his commandments to be simple for us by loving people within us because if God should have wanted a prove of our love for him to be difficult, he would have given us the order possibly to make our ways to Heaven by any means as to show him that we really do love him which it would have been a few population of the world that may have afforded this but God really wants us to love him by showing that love to people around us.
Colossians 3:14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.- KJV
Apostles Paul elucidated the characters that children of God should bear in verse 12 of Colossians chapter 3 which includes: mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering. Above all these beautiful kingdom traits, he said we sincerely need love or charity which perfects all these other characters.
From this scripture l, I learnt that our perfection starts from when we begin to love others as Christians whether they are of our faith, tribe, race, social status etc or not. So we have to be perfect as God is perfect because God loved us so he gave us His Son which is a proof of His love for humanity.
Nevertheless, if we must be perfect, our love for humanity shouldn't just be verbal expression but a more realistic action which dissipates any possible doubt.
I learnt also from the testimony of Brother Macmac, Ricky, and Michael who helped the lame Brother in crossing to the other part of the road as the lame brother was faced with some hitches, so I learnt that we should always help people the little way we could. God bless these Brethren for their wonderful work.
Moreover, I would like to appreciate the MCGI community for their work of love and not talk of love to humanity as they have been doing well from my perspective all these while I have followed the community.
Nevertheless, they render free services in health by providing dental and optometric solutions to the people and also drilling of free boreholes. I also observed that both Christians and none Christians with people who aren't members of the Church are participants in the fre education and transport offered by the community. This is really incredible to observe.
God bless MCGI for their love for humanity and God bless everyone in collaboration with this great move within this period in history, bye and 💗
Love supercedes all commandments. Believers should love all the way Christ has commanded. God bless you brother for sharing this.
Thanks brother for your noble perusal, I really appreciate, We must love everyone even as Christ has commanded, as love shows that one is perfect because it is the core attribute of God, in that he gave us His Son because he loved us.