Was Jesus Christ crucified on a stake or cross (part 2 of 2)

in MCGI Cares Hive4 years ago

Was Jesus Christ crucified on a stake or cross?

Watch bro eli's teaching here

Yes he was nailed on a cross which can also be called stake.

According to brother eli's teaching the Greek word used in the book of act is stauros which simple mean stake, a trunk of a tree or a wooden post.

If it were a concrete post, as at then there was no concrete nail so he can not be nail to a concrete post.

So either stake or cross they are all the same since it is a trunk of a tree, a pole or a wooden post.

It wasn't only Jesus Christ that was nailed to the cross, they were 3 of them, with the 2 thief's, going by history the Roman's empire usually condemn criminals to die on the cross and not all cross do have the horizontal part.

So there is no contradiction about that the bible is plainly revealed for us to understand either it a tree, a stake a pole or a post they are all synonymous.

I pray the Almighty God grant us more understanding of his word in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

Thank you

watch my video here


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