Obedience To The Will Of God. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

In this particular video, Bro Eli Soriano makes a great revelation which I personally take cognizant of. He said that it is an opportune time for us to hear the doctrines of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When we have the opportunity to listen to the teachings of the Word of God from the Bible, we must not neglect it. We must not abuse the opportunity which God offers to us to listen to the doctrines of Jesus Christ. We must not turn our hearts against the commandments of God. We must not reject the ways of God.

God has good plans for all of us. He wants us to come to the knowledge of God so that we might be saved. God does not want anybody to perish. He does not delight in the perishing of any person. So, he always offers us the opportunity to hear and listen to the doctrines so that we can know what his will is.

To obey the will of God, we must obey his commandments. We cannot obey His commandments if we do not know them. So, we have to come and listen to the teachings of the doctrines of Jesus Christ and obey them in order for us to be obedient to God’s will.