In The Footsteps Of Jesus. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

The question is: How would we know that we are going to heaven? Bro Eli Soriano explained according to the Word of God in the Bible that we must follow the footsteps of the one who came from heaven and walked through this world and then returned back to heaven.

There is heaven as well as there is hell. Heaven is the anticipated home of the righteous while hell is the end of the wicked. The righteous are those who obey the commandments of God. They are those who have not allowed this world to influence them. They are those who have submitted their hearts to obey the doctrines of God. They are those who have turned away from every sin.

The wicked are those who ignore the doctrines and commandments of God and continue in sin. They are those who are living their lives according to the dictate of this world. They are those who refuse to submit themselves to do what God commands. These will have their part in the lake that burns with brimstone.

To be sure that we are going to heaven, we must follow the doctrines of Jesus Christ. We must obey all that Christ Jesus taught us in order to make it to heaven. Jesus Christ obeyed the Father totally and completely. He was loving and compassionate. He lived a sinless life. We must live like Him to make it to heaven.