Going to heaven: Is it a destiny? (P3)


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is more than just a video ". I was drawn to this post from a comment on an author's post and I decided to read through it. I found it interesting that I decided to write out my insights about it.Just like @hiro-hive had said, "

The question says " Going to heaven: Is it a destiny?"...

The concept of going to heaven is often tied to religious beliefs, perspectives, and interpretations of the afterlife because no living being has gone to heaven. In many religious traditions all over the world, heaven is portrayed as a reward for living a virtuous, holy, and righteous life, while hell may be seen as a consequence for those who have committed hideous atrocities, and behaved immorally or sinfully.

In my viewpoint and from a very thoughtful mindset, going to heaven is not a destiny; rather I will say that it's a choice based on personality, beliefs, the intense relationship with God, and his word. It's also for those who adhere to such beliefs, living a virtuous life, following religious teachings, and seeking spiritual enlightenment. These are often considered pathways to attaining the rewards of heaven.

Individuals might want this mission to be their destiny, personalities in the likes of monks, priests, and reverends. Now that it has become destiny to them, any distraction in any form of urge, desire, and so forth will be eliminated so that the focus on pursuing that race will be paramount.

It's an individual's choice, a higher power or divine being that is the creator and ruler of the universe to determine if they would alter their original destiny and rewrite it because to make such a decision to be destined would take a tremendous amount of willingness and so forth.


Image from pixabay

In the book of Philippians 3:20-21 (NIV):
" But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

This passage highlights the hope and anticipation of believers for their future in heaven with Christ. The keyword here is belief and this has been the thrill in so many religious traditions, cultural upbringings, and individuals.

Using myself as a case study, my belief in God is rooted in faith, evidence, experience, and upbringing. More especially, I would say that I am a believer and a keen observer of my spiritual life. Yes, the way you choose to live your life on earth will determine your journey to heaven. I have seen many people say that they are a chronic sinner and at the point of death when they ask God for forgiveness before dying they would be granted immediate access to heaven.

That philosophy amazes me sincerely and since I am not in the position to judge, what would I say about it? Of course, many people will make you deviate from the ways of Christ just with the words of their mouth.
Understanding the keys to uplifting my spiritual life has made me channel strength and focus so I can grow deeper and get an intense interpretation of God his words, and the path he has chosen for me.

The level of my spiritual life can not determine my journey to heaven; rather, it connects me to his divine powers, revelation, and interpretations regarding my life and its affairs. For me to gain heaven, I must be willing to follow the ways of Christ, not my preferred lifestyle. One must be willing to surrender pleasures, satisfaction, desires, worldly attributes, and anything that would be a hindrance in attaining heaven as a destiny.

Finally, the standpoint on whether going to heaven is destiny depends on individual beliefs, religious teachings, and personal interpretations of spiritual matters.




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