How To Overcome Doubts And Anxieties || MCGI Topic Review.

Doubts and anxiety are part of our lives, no matter how good we are, but as Christians we can do without them as long as we attain the peace of God which we really need.
In so many times, our doubts and anxiety make us feel sad. But there is actually a way in which we can be free from anxieties, which is inside the book of God, the Bible.

The book of Philippians 4:6 says, Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God
And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

If the Lord God tells you not to worry about anything, truly, there should be nothing to worry about as long as you pray to God and ask him for what you want.
It is not for us to overcome our doubts and anxieties in life. It is the work of the Lord. As long as you trust him, he will help you wipe off your doubts anxieties in life, and that is why it is good to always talk to God whenever we are going through anything.

The more you face more problems, keep updating God about it and make sure that you trust Him. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and I know God will not watch us go through such and not try to get us out of it.
God loves us and will always be there for us as long as we trust Him which is the most important thing.

God is the only one who can bring us out of tribulations. Let’s stick to the plan of the Lord and trust in Him.