A Beginner’s Guide To Reading The Bible || MCGI Topic Review.

in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago

With my little knowledge or level of understanding, when reading the Bible, it should never be read like a book. When you read an episode, you have to meditate, think about it and make sure that you understand before moving unto the next one. This isn’t done by only you but with the help of the spirit of God. The Bible needs you to fully understand what is in it so that you can put it to use.

From what our mentor and brother has said here, he said that we should begin reading the New Testament first before reading the Old Testament. That is because there are so many names that occur in the New Testament and re-occur in the Old Testament.
Also, the New Testament is very much easy to understand and anyone who reads and understands the New Testament will be able to flow easily with the old one.

It is advisable to read the New Testament first because it’s easy to understand and newly written by people who understand the language in which the Old Testament was written.
In the Old Testament, the archaic language was put to use which so many of us may not understand.

Also, it will be good to put whatever we read to use in our everyday lives and activities.
Reading the Bible isn’t difficult as long as you flow with the Holy Spirit.