My first acquaintance with hornets .:. EN/RU

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]4 months ago (edited)

In October I photographed a hornet for the first time. The photo shows a dead specimen. I have many photos, and the whole story probably won't fit in one post; below I'll explain why.



First, a little introduction. Every summer I encounter wasps, bees and bumblebees, but I have never encountered hornets - at least not up close. Moreover, I don't have a comparison photo to show you the difference.

The hornet looks like a large wasp, you could say it's the Wasp's Big Brother - and it's much more dangerous. How to tell a hornet from a common wasp? They are very similar, the main difference is in size - the hornet is 3-4 times larger and can reach a length of 5 cm. The hornet has the same striped black and yellow body color as the wasp, but its yellow color is less intense.

Even a bite of a single hornet would be dangerous and deliver you some painful, excruciating consequences - but if you carelessly disturb their nest... a single hornet can bite you several times in a row, thus attack by an angry swarm of hornets can became fatal.

Now back to my peculiar story. This summer we discovered that hornets infested the attic of our summer house. Cant say we were pleased or curious... no way! My wife had done some research on how to deal with this scourge, and we decided to wait until the end of the summer and remove the nest when the cold season came, when the hornets went into torpor. In October, we returned to our summer house to carry out this mission... and found the entire porch covered in dead hornets. (These were the ones that got lost - they couldn't find a crack to fly out, got stuck in the house and eventually died of starvation.)

I collected the corpses scattered across veranda floor in a paper cup in the photo - 24 in total. The neighbor's cat also popped up for his hornet investigation.. or rather to check - whether they were edible or not. They were deemed unforageable :) Some of the corpses were preserved so well that could pose perfectly for a macro photo shoot in the rays of the autumn sun. I arranged my model at the rotten mossy stump.


So, all the photos you see in this post are staged, with a dead hornet posing for me...


...and the nest by the end of summer, grew to the size of a football; and turned out to be quite heavy... (about 600-700 grams). We were really scared. Fortunately, it was all quiet, showed no signs of life - the hornets were hibernating. I quickly dropped the nest into a plastic bag, and after I was sure it was silent, I unwrapped it again to have a closer look and take a few photos. There is no reason to save it alive, I would have thrown it into the fire without a doubt... but instead I wrapped it in several layers of polyethylene and left it to wintertime do the rest - the frost certainly will finish off the sleeping insects, and perhaps next season I will be able to take a closer look at more bowels of this building.

The building actually is quite interesting. Through several damaged fragments the inside became visible enough to understand that the nest consisted of five levels / floors / tiers _ I dont know which word will better describe it.


But, I repeat, I did not delve into the sleeping nest - I did not dare; when dealing with hornets, it is better not to take risks. The recycled paper from wood, from which the walls of the house are made, is actually very fragile, and the nest is easily destroyed by the slightest physical impact. The walls of the nest, which were attached to the ceiling, collapsed when I knocked it down, I photographed one such fragment separately. A hornet larva fell out of it.


I dont see this creature as a nice person... especially since I am in the know it will not end up with a beautiful butterfly. Below is the crop of same photo.

This photo goes as my entry to the Photofeed macro photography challenge, round #93. Check the post by the link to see other beautiful #macro entries.




@borjan, @solominer, @dannewton - welcome to read the story and enjoy the macros. Let me round up my post here, and - next time!

location: St.Petersburg, Russia October 2024 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5dm3 Sigma 150mm raw-conv


Below is the version for my Russian followers.

В октябре я впервые сфотографировал шершня. На фото - мертвая особь. У меня много фотографий, и наверное весь рассказ не уместится в один пост; ниже я объясню, почему.

Для начала небольшое предисловие. Каждым летом я встречаю ос, пчел и шмелей, но до сих пор не сталкивался с шершнями - во всяком случае, так близко. Тем более у меня нет сравнительной фотографии, чтобы наглядно показать вам разницу.

Шершень по внешнему виду похож на большую осу, можно сказать что это Старший Брат Осы - и он гораздо опаснее. Как отличить шершня от обычной осы? Они очень похожи, главное различие заключается в размере - шершень в 3-4 раза больше и может достигать длины в 5 см. Шершень имеет такую же полосатую черно-желтую окраску тела как и оса, но его желтый цвет менее интенсивный. Даже один укус шершня опасен и доставит вам болезненные, мучительные последствия, вплоть до удушья. А уж если вы неосторожно потревожили их гнездо... ой-вэй. Один шершень может ужалить несколько раз подряд, а нападение разозленной стаи скорее всего окжется для вас фатальным.

А теперь я перехожу непосредственно к моей истории. Этим летом мы обнаружили, что на чердаке нашего дома поселились шершни. Моя жена изучила вопрос, как бороться с таким бедствием, и мы решили потерпеть до конца лета, и удалить гнездо с наступлением холодного сезона, когда шершни впадают в оцепенение. В октябре мы вернулись в наш летний домик, чтобы выполнить эту миссию... и увидели что вся веранда усеяна мертвыми шершнями. (Это были особи, которые потерялись - не смогли найти щель чтобы вылететь наружу, застряли в доме и в конечном итоге умерли от голода).

Разбросанные по полу трупы я сосчитал и собрал в стаканчик - 24 штуки. Соседский кот присоединился к моей инспекции, но его интересовал единственный аспект, съедобно это или нет. (Комиссия постановила: съедобной ценности не представляют). Некоторые модели сохранились так хорошо, что отлично попозировали на трухлявом пне, в лучах осеннего солнца. Таким образом, все фото в посте - постановочные...

...А само гнездо выросло до размеров футбольного мяча! И оказалось довольно увесистым... (примерно 600-700 грамм). Мы правда очень боялись. К счастью, оно не подавало никаких признаков жизни, все шершни спали зимней спячкой. Я уронил гнездо в пластиковый пакет, а когда убедился что гнездо безмолвствует, развернул пакет обратно чтобы поразглядывать поближе и сделать несколько фото. Сохранять его нет причин, и я без сомнений кинул бы его в костер... но вместо этого я завернул его в несколько слоев полиэтилена, и оставил зимовать - зимний мороз наверняка добьет спящих насекомых, и в следующем сезоне, возможно, я смогу повнимательнее рассмотреть внутренности этого гнезда.

Домик на самом деле любопытный. Сквозь несколько отвалившихся стенок, стало видно что гнездо состоит из пяти ярусов. Но, повторюсь, я не стал углубляться в спящее гнездо - я не осмелился; имея дело с шершнями, лучше не рисковать. Переработанная из древесины бумага, из которой сделаны стенки дома, на самом деле очень хрупкая, и гнездо легко разрушается от малейшего физического воздействия. Стенки гнезда, которыми оно крепилось к потолку, разрушились когда я сбивал его вниз, один такой фрагмент я сфотографировал отдельно. Из него выпала личинка шершня. Не могу назвать ее особенно приятной особой...

На сегодня всё; продолжение следует!


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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Great pictures man!

I disagree with Hornets being scary though, they are just bigger and gentler versions of wasps, but then I don't find wasps scary either. I do treat them with caution, but nothing to be scared of.

I do accept it isn't a good thing if they build a nest inside a house or shed, and if there are children that may get too close, then it might be advisable to dispose of the nest... only as a last resort

Do you know what species of hornet that is? Looks different to the European Hornet (Vespa Crabo) that we have here in the UK

I assume it was Vespa crabro, why do you think it has differences?..

Not only kids may suffer from them, but also pets and parents as well. I understand they are not predators that attack you at the 1st sight.. but no, it isnt a peaceful and wanted / tolerated neightbourhood, too risky. During all of the summer we had 2, 3, 4 hornets in the kitchen everyday, that slipped in from the attic - had to rid of them by opening windows. Happily, nothing bad happened.

Head's close-up:


Ah ok, the colours looked a little different, the Vespa crabo I see are a more orange/brown colour, whereas the one you have look quite dark, almost black at times. I didn't know if you had some different species over there that might look similar. I did check out the Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) to compare the two species, but that looks very different.

I think yours might well be be Vespa crabo, and maybe the colour has changed as they are now dead?

This is one I found earlier in the year, she was alive, but one of her wings was damaged (maybe not emerging properly), so she was not very mobile, and so I could get very close to her

"During all of the summer we had 2, 3, 4 hornets in the kitchen everyday, that slipped in from the attic - had to rid of them by opening windows. Happily, nothing bad happened."

I think Hornets, along with all other wasps, are amazing creatures but I can understand they'd be annoying to deal with if they kept appearing inside your house like that. Fortunately I've not had to deal with anything more than the occasional single wasp flying in through a random open window

What a beautiful creature! Close-up shows it so vividly.
As for the colour, as I shoot on manual mode only, I set the exposure levels later in Photoshop, taking decisions with my vision ... besides I add sufficient processing, so my photos may look not 100% correct. also, I'd say, the picture above is under-exposed, lol. 😄

She is beautiful :-)

I generally shoot in manual too, especially for macro as I need to use the correct settings to get pictures as sharp and focused as I can. I suspect we treat our images differently in photoshop, hence the different colours. But hey, photography is art, and there are no right or wrong answers...

(um, that picture of mine might be a little under exposed! 🤣)

Oh heavens! Amazing. Fascinating. I started reading about hornet survival in winter. You probably know all of this, but it's new to me. Apparently, by the time you got to the nest, the queen was gone. All the hornets die except the queen. She looks for a place to hibernate, goes into diapause and waits for spring to come out and build a new nest. It is possible she found a nice cozy place in your attic to hide!!! I hope not.

Great pictures. The posing was a bit macabre, but they all died naturally, so why not?😅

I also had to get rid of large quantities of hibernators around my roof this year, the populations have really exploded, I did a large massacre last summer - my garden has been so full of the creatures and I am extremely allergic to them

But you didnt wait till the cold season, did you? I guess everything succeded without turning into disaster.
We performed it a very safe way. Read about few methods but they are risky! What makes things worse, they often choose to build a nest st such a spot that is hardly to get to. I had to build sort of pedestal, a raised platform to stand at, and knocked the nest down with a shovel into a packet. And my wife held the bag open and close to the nest using two long boards. In our case, there was no risk cause the hornets were hibernating - but if it had been warm summer temperatures... the success would not have been so successful, knocking down the nest was not a simple 1-second click, alas, took me 2 minutes.

That sounds scary!

Ours are not exactly like yours, they are large and make open nests of about 20 individuals - they have a tendency to build under the roof of the house and close to doors. They become aggressive once the nest is large at the end of summer and we get rid of them by spraying the adults at night when they are sleeping and then removing and crushing the nest in the morning or the young wasps that are already pupating will hatch and continue there.

What I can say? beautiful wasps and beautiful house (from the visual side) I'd love to take photos of. But I'd also love to keep it far from my place, heh.

(Our nest also was under the roof).

The love it under the roof, warmer and sheltered. These guys are also interesting to watch as they are social insects but they become a real hazard next to the door and around passageways late in summer

Architectural marvels! Insects may sometimes be assholes but they sure build some cool stuff. We don'thave hornets — and they sayAustralia is the world’s most dangerous place! Bees and mozzies, yes, but hornets and wasps not so much. Thank god! I guess they get a bad rap but when you look at them as living creatures they are pretty cool at what they do.

We don'thave hornets — and they say Australia is the world’s most dangerous place!

What about mangroves, crocodiles?.. I am not convinced this saying is not true xD but, of course, since I neve experienced it myself - you are in a better position to judge! Fantastic creatures to watch at, among other insects.

PS. I have read that some termite buildings - still alive and doing well today - were erected long before the Egyptian pyramids!


Most of our really dangerous creatures are more up north and not where I am down south. We don't get Crocs down here thank God! Or even the most serious jellyfish. Snakes, yes, but I can't even recall the last one I saw.

The termite mounds are amazing aren't they? Very cool structures when you drive into the more desert areas here.

BEERHey @riverflows, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Одна моя интернет-знакомая за мирное сосуществование с шершнями. Тоже, кстати, в Ленинградской области. У неё на даче на чердаке постоянное гнездо. Она показывала - очень красивое, с разводами такими. Уверяет, что никого из рядом живущих они не трогают.
Думаю, что я бы так не смогла. Постаралась бы избавиться от таких соседей.

Да, красивое - факт! в отличие от осиных гнезд (которые тупо серые) это было похоже по цвету на микс ржаво-оранжевого песочка. и с разводами. очень красиво! но вот у меня совершенно нет уверенности что "своих не трогают". какие мы для них свои...

Guau what beautiful photo of the hornets, specially the larves I have never seen it before in it's status of larva guau looks like aliens the movie.

Agree - pure aliens larvae - pretty non appetite and quite a scary sight! ☘️ This was the 1st time I saw them too; its not something you stumble upon on regular basis. 😱 !BEER

Really really amazing and beautiful

BEERHey @galberto, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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!discovery 35

Grazie! 😘 😘 😘

Unwanted visitors... and who also want to stay, oh no!

One day I met a photographer who took pictures of dead things... interesting perspective.


Well, I was not after a photo of dead creatures exactly (tho a few times I took a shot of dead seagulls and pigeons, and snake skeletons). In this case I'd prefer it to be a living hornet; so I staged photo and pretended it wasnt dead, !LOLZ. But you know the truth. 😉 !PIZZA

Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft...
And I'll show you A-flat minor.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of qwerrie



@nanixxx, I sent you an

Damn, what great photos, I haven't been able to take any yet because with the Dana we've had here in Spain I've had a lot of work, but I'll do it as soon as I have some time.

I am sure you will have a lot of options for taking great photos. Spain is full of sun, nice cuisine, cool folks, history. Tremendous potential for pleasurable walks and photosessions. Sending Hive !BEER your way.

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You don't want to mess with those little buggers when they are active, nasty little creatures! You got some great shots and good to have removed it! Here we have yellow jackets that are really aggressive, I hate those hornets!

BEERHey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of from @thebighigg for you. Enjoy it!

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Ох, терпеть не могу этих летучих тварей.) Летом кто то из них меня в колено ужалил, залетев под штанину. Неделю потом опухоль спадала.))

Ужасъ! И через сколько дней ты смог ну если не забыть об этом гаде - то хотя бы, через сколько времени боль ушла? Неделю, не меньше?

Забыть это я не смогу никогда... Первый укус шершня - это как первый секс, такое не забывается.😁 Раньше только пчелы\осы кусали, тоже воспоминания есть, но не такие яркие.)

Утро, стою у костра, еще не до конца проснулся. Подбрасываю ветки в огонь, и внезапно ощущение, как будто на кожу попал раскаленный уголек. Попытался его стряхнуть через штанину, а он не стряхивается, продолжает жечь, только чуть в другом месте. Пытаюсь опять его стряхнуть, и начинаю соображать, что штанина то целая, прожженной дыры нет. А штаны от туристического костюма из какой то специальной ткани, плотные очень. Снял их наполовину, и вижу - сидит эта тварь, жалит. Сбил его/её рукой, а там уже все колено красное, и кожа на ощупь очень твердая...

Больно было всего пару дней после укуса, а вот опухлость держалась с неделю. И по утрам, после сна - самые неприятные ощущения. И если учесть тот факт, что жала оставленного в месте укуса я не нашел, то получается, он меня не до конца ужалил. Или шершни не оставляют жало, тут я не знаток.

Пипец. то есть он пролез к тебе в штанину в положении сидя - блин, пролаза. место для дома что ли искал - не нашел и огорчился?

Жалят они как осы, многократно, и жала не оставляют. "Не до конца" только в том смысле, что мог бы и еще пару раз приложить, яда бы хватило. Мда. Действительно, яркое воспоминание, такое не забудешь Хорошо что у меня такого нету )))))


Видимо так.) Или что то еще ему не понравилось, кто ж этих чудовищ знает.)))

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