A Day in the Life of Helping Hope Humanitarian

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]3 years ago
Authored by @@rosiew

Hope Humanitarian Helps Refugees in Turkey

You may be curious what a day in the life of helping Hope Humanitarian looks like. This post includes the day in chronological order so you can see the blessings Hope Humanitarian brings to the communities they help. This time the organization is helping refugees in Turkey. All monetary upvotes to this post will go to @hopehumanitarian to support their great cause.































Hope Humanitarian Organization

Located on their website: "An Assistant Professor of Cardiology at the University of Utah, passionate humanitarian and adventure lover, Dr. Franklin started Hope Humanitarian in May 2016 in response to the world's refugee crisis. Service has always been an important part of her life, whether it is caring for abused animals, researching heart disease to be able to decrease cardiac-related deaths, or helping as many people as possible, in as many places as possible through Hope Humanitarian... Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" Hope Humanitarian seeks to answer that question by serving those in acute need and by offering the opportunity for volunteers to join us in humanitarian trips."

Website is: https://www.hope-humanitarian.org/


Professional Photographer at Jarvie Digital

You may know me as one of the co-founders of PeakD and PeakMonsters, but one of my favorite passions is photography. I've been a full-time photographer since 2008. You can visit my gallery to explore and purchase my photography located on my website at https://www.jarviedigital.com/. You'll find me in various photography communities here on PeakD where I'll post about my incredible travels, photoshoots, fascinating people I encounter and scenic photography. Thanks for stopping by and reading my posts.


All photography provided by Jarvie. If you want to see and/or purchase more of the Hope Humanitarian Work in Turkey click here for the website .


Wow, this is amazing. Putting smile on people’s faces is priceless. I want to be a part of this great cause. Hope volunteers are accepted because I will sure love to be a part of this!

 3 years ago  

Thank you for commenting. Here's the link where you can contact them: https://www.hope-humanitarian.org/contact

Thank you

OMG! You guys are doing great. I really love that, putting smiles on people's faces is the best thing ever. Keep up the good work. !PIZZA

 3 years ago  


You're welcome 😊

Amazing! Fantastic photographs of a horrid situation

 3 years ago  


Hopehumanitarian is really doing a great job.

This is beyond amazing ❤️ And your photographs says everything.

 3 years ago  


Absolutely amazing work documenting the whole thing with very nice shots!

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woa.. brutal that trash!

 3 years ago  

And yet inside the tents are very organized and clean

Yap, that's at least good.


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good work! Love that we can so easily help this cause :))

@tipu curate

What an incredible experience!

Great 😍. Volunteering is also a way to help ourselves become happy and appreciate what we have. I'm also a volunteer and I'm glad to see you sharing this 😘

Individuals who work for charities must run their own hive account and have starlink backpacks

The only thing you "help" is speeding up their overpopultion they put in boats aftwerwards to send them to Europe to rape and murder and blackmail and plunder and conquer our nations by terror and breeding -- be ashamed .. care for the people in your own lands .. there you have to care enough !

Your point of view is clear. But I would not generalize. Especially since how are we any different from animals if we "eat" our own kind?

And the problem of overpopulation and so on in your text... must be solved in other ways...

the problem with overpopulation started with all those "helpings" ! Around 1900 whole Africa, the whole continent - had an entire population of 90 Millions .. thats around todays Germany ! After the foundation of the UNO and the start of the "development aid" the population of Africa rose until the middle of the 20th century to already 250 million, today about 1.3 billion and if it only goes on like this and does not accelerate (which it must inevitably do) they will be 4 billion at the end of the century ! So European children, if there are any left then, will face 4 billion Negrids with an average IQ of 70 -- in many sub-Saharan countries far below and at 55 to 60 - who have nothing to lose. because the continent has been made infertile with feces, the last bushes burned for firewood and the last animals eaten ... and all of them will surge north!

About the IQ: in most European countries an IQ of 75 and below is cause to put a curator at the side of the person concerned, because he does not have the intellectual abilities to cope with daily life. In comparison - the whole of Africa 70, many sub-Saharan countries 55 to 60 ! A study on African universities has shown that even the most "gifted" Negrids in South Africa at an elite university for Negrids have an average IQ of 85 - with that you can't even pass the final exam to become a hairdresser in my country ! So with "educate" is nothing - besides it would be white education, so dressage ! During the white governments many sub-Saharan countries had a negride employment rate of up to 80 % - since they are allowed to slaughter the whites, this rate has more than halved, but there is an increase of rape and murder of about 20 % per year !

Birth rates have always been high, but so have death rates and this has provided a balance. Now with white medicine, science, technology, economy - - it is ensured that most of these birth surpluses remain alive and come into the age capable of reproduction ... in Africa around the 12 to 15 ... a generation in Africa is thus about 15 years and each generation doubles the population - it may be calculated.

You feed around the donations of the culture peoples the primitive destruction of all our cultures and the planet - -it is not our few cars, it is the billions, which may never be born or must die off in time, which will destroy OUR cultures together with the nature, flora and fauna and be proud of it, while in our countries our people is getting poorer and poorer, old people can't afford heating costs anymore, our high culture peoples are raped by dark hordes, forced out of their homes, infected with African diseases escaping the targeted stupefaction by adapting the schools to the low IQs of the immigrants -- shame on you !

or in a simple sentence -- who produces more children than food will starve -- so let them starve like Evolution made it .. and care for t he many poor of OUR people in OUR nations !

I get it, your point of view is unshakable. I'll think about mine. But for now I will not respond emotionally to you or to anyone on the other side of your barrier... Thanks for the voluminous reply, it's really comprehensive at this point.

Wow much appreciated

A very heartfelt post with pictures that speak to me.... Very cool!

Keep up the good work you are doing! It's important to many, not just those you help!

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

You're doing amazing job. And photos, oh wow they are really capturing this sad situation... We need more people like you 😌

These pictures are beautiful, really show the beauty of helping. Love the name Hope Humanitarian

keep up the good work, hope Humanitarian to the world

I love and appreciate your mankind activities along your photography skill, its mind-blowing! Stay blessed and keep serving good work.

The amazing initiative, Thank you for doing beyond your means by helping others. You captured greet photos.