When I look through my Lightroom Catalog, I find that I photograph trees a lot. I am still trying to figure out why I’m drawn to trees. Perhaps it’s because they are so prevalent in the natural landscape or that they have so much character or perhaps there is a deeper connection. Whatever the reason, I find trees fascinating.
I remember playing with my son who was probably 4 at the time and acting out scenes from “Lord of the Rings”. I hoisted my son on my shoulders and pretended I was the great Treebeard. I acted out various scenes from the movie including stomping and smashing those evil orcs. My son absolutely loved it as we overpowered evil. Recently, we watched the trilogy together and both smiled and laughed when the scenes with Treebeard and the rest of the Ents showed up. The trees were so strong and powerful and they were wise. That’s probably why I love photographing them. Here are some of my favorite tree images from my collection.

Sony a7RII + FE 100-400 GM, 400mm, f11, 1/15 sec, ISO200

Sony a7RII + FE 24-105mm, 59mm, f11, 1/160 sec, ISO100

Sony a7RII + Zeiss Loxia 21mm, 21mm, f11, 1/5 sec, ISO100

Sony a7RII + FE 100-400 GM, 256mm, f11, 1/200 sec, ISO100

Canon 7D + EF 17-55mm, 44mm, f13, 243 sec, ISO100

Sony a7RII + FE 16-35 GM, 16mm, f10, 1/3 sec, ISO100
Canon 5DMKIII + EF 35mm, 35mm, f4, 8 sec, ISO200

Sony a7RII + Zeiss Loxia 85mm, 85mm, f5.6, 1/2000 sec, ISO100
Are you also a fan of trees? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks in advance for your support.
My Links:
Website: https://alfredomora.net
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alfredomoraphotography/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlfredoMPhoto
Such a beautiful, varied collection of photographs. The Ancient Ones look like they're dipping their toes and having a little paddle. :)
Thank you Cath!! Happy you enjoyed them. Yes those Cypress trees do appear to be dipping their toes now that you mention it. 😀
Some beautiful light and compositions. ❤️ 🌲
Thanks Blake! That fog and light on the last two were wonderful to witness.
All amazing shots! The cyclops definitely seems to be watching,,,
Nice Truffula tree too 😁
Thanks so much Kieran! Yeah I was pretty happy to find a Truffula tree in the wild. 😀