The story of crow

A thirsty crow drank the water from the bottom of the jug with the help of pebbles. Almost everyone knows the story of that crow's 'crow and pitcher'! We read the story but appreciated the intelligence of the crow. There is no doubt that the crow in the story was intelligent. But whether it was just a story or not is just a story.


But in reality crows are not like birds. A recent study of crows, led by Professor Christopher Bird of Cambridge University, found striking information that matched the description of the intelligence of the crow, the protagonist of Aesop's "crow and pitcher" story. Crows can be seen all over the world. But what many of us don't know is that crows are considered to be the most 'intelligent birds' in the bird world. Not only that, they are considered as one of the most intelligent animals in the animal kingdom. A neuron has been found in the crow's head, proving that they are very intelligent and cunning creatures.


About 40 species of crows are found in all continents of the tropics. Most crows are black. In birds, they are members of the Corvidae family. They are seen living in groups. Crows are omnivorous birds. They usually live for 20 to 30 years. Some North American crows live up to 59 years. Their scientific name is ‘Corvus Brachyrhynchos’. Although there are many species of crows, leaf crows, ostrich crows and mountain crows are commonly found in our country.


Crow's intelligence - Crows are very cunning animals. They keep a close eye on people's activities so that they can use their full power when needed. When a crow finds a nut or a hard food, it leaves it on the road. In this case, their calculations are perfect. Kakera memorizes traffic signals. Accordingly they release the nut or nut from the top at the right moment and wait for a car to come and crush that hard shell.


Not just here. When the food is crushed on the floor of the car, the crows do not rush. Waiting for the traffic signal. When the red light came on, he jumped up and picked up the food on his lips. Again the fruit of the tree is thrown down from the right height to be eaten, so that the fruit bursts and becomes fit to eat. There are ways to not appreciate such intelligence!


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