Charging batteries... :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (282/366)

in Daily & Fresh πŸ“Έ β€’ 4 years ago (edited)


I was tired on Sunday and couldn't think of anything to shoot. I am constantly charging the batteries though, so I decided to take a mobile snapshot of the process.

The Canon battery is already nearly dying. It's causing my camera to lose power quite frequently now.

I think I'll buy new batteries soon.

On to the next one... I think I will have to post it tomorrow though, because I need to go to bed so I can wake up early. Ninnu is getting a vaccine shot tomorrow morning.

Btw. I just realized where I keep the tips of my left hand pinky and ring finger whenever idle on the computer.

See ya!

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Battery may downing but your photography idea always up and up!

Snap! I also charge my battery every two hours!! LoL