Ecency Promo Script Contest WINNERS


The Ecency promo script contest is now closed and we are ready to announce the WINNERS!

🏆1st place- 30 HBD and 600 ECENCY POINTS🏆 goes to @tengolotodo for CROWD CHANT

🏆2nd place-20 HBD and 400 ECENCY POINTS🏆goes to @beeber for PHOTO SHOOT

🏆Joint winners for 3rd place will each receive 5 HBD and 100 ECENCY POINTS 🏆goes to @luba555 for PLANE and to @raynazuhra for REPAIR SHOP

Be sure and watch the Iowa race on Thursday night and upcoming races to see if any of these promos get produced and played live during the races!

🏁Thanks to @Ecency for providing these generous prizes to our creative Promo Script WINNERS! 🏁

Click banner to go to the community! Be sure and join!

Image by @brittandjosiebanner created by @brittandjosie


Thank you from SRE to all the people who took the time to enter the contest and CONGRATUALTIONS to the winners!

oh wow😮 Thank you so much for this👏
In the words of @unklebonehead on his reply to my entry

This is fricking awesome!

A big thanks to @melinda010100 for organising this and the judges and also to @beeber
@luba555 and @raynazuhra for winning and all the simracersedge drivers and teams.

May the season be fun for everyone

Complimenti di cuore @tengolotodo.
Sei stato bravissimo!!!
Sono felicissima per te e gli altri vincitori!!!
Un grande abbraccio

I am quite excited to see if these scripts can be turned into promo videos and played during the races! Yours would make a great promo!

Aww thanks Mel, IT would be really cool if they could be turned into promo videos. I still have the chanting in my head🤣 It was fun to do...

Hopefully @jrollette and @unklebonehead can work their magic!

That would be so cool if they do!

Thank you so much :-) and congrats to @tengolotodo @luba555 and @raynazuhra

Grazie di cuore ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sono felicissima!
Congratulazioni a tutti ❤❤❤😍😍😍

Hmmmmm :-) non parlo Italiano :-) but your words sound like holidays :-)

thank you very much, you are very kind. i don't speak english, i get help from google translator ❤❤❤❤

Buonna notte :-)


Buonanotte a te e sogni d' oro 😚😚😚😚😚

Good night to you and ..... sogni? ... out of gold

Sogni .... sleep? Dreams?

Thank you and congratulations to you too👏😁

Congrats to @beeber, @tengolotodo @luba555 and @raynazuhra

And if you havent joined the community yet , there is still a chance to get the need for speed

thank you :-)

Grazie di cuore sono felicissima ❤❤❤❤

Thank you so much😁

Congratulations to the winners 🎉

Congrats to the winners you guys did a great job

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 94 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@pixresteemer(5/5) tipped @melinda010100 (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Congratualtions! I know it was a hard choice to pick the first place. They were all great!

Grazie di cuore sono felicissima! All' inizio non ci credevo che sono arrivata terza!!! Sono veramente felice!
Mi piace tantissimo questo gruppo! Siete tutti gentilissimi.
Faccio le mie congratulazioni agli altri vincitori! Siete stati bravissimi!!!
Ancora grazie grazie grazie ❤❤❤❤

!LUV 1

Grazie mille per aver dedicato del tempo a scrivere una sceneggiatura e partecipare al concorso! ♥️🏆

Grazie!!!! Spero ne farete tanti altri mi piace moltissimo questa community, siete tutti gentilissimi!!!
Grazie di cuore @melinda010100 😍😍😍❤❤❤

Yay! Congrats everyone especially to Tito Ed! You all rock!

Yay! 🤗
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@jaribruppacher Thanks so much for the Boost!

Congratulations to all the winners and participants, y'all did well.
How does this work?

This contest is over, but we will be hosting more contests in the NEED FOR SPEED community!

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DO NOT FOLLOW any instruction and DO NOT CLICK on any link in the comment!

Congratulations!!! 👏🏻👍🏻

Nice keep it up.
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