These are all important elements in the process of understanding who we are. I'll comment chronologically:
Shadow integration: Healing our shadow isn't about accepting bad ideas. Firstly, 'bad' is a subjective value judgement and so it actually obscures the thing or idea it is attached to in a counter productive way. However, even if you remove 'bad' and just have focus on the ideas which are destructive and loveless, which were previously labelled as 'bad', there is no need to hold onto them to heal your shadow. Healing our shadow is partially about going to the causes of our dysfunctions and noticing how our light is casting shadows into our lives, via the people and synchronicities we experience. This is a way of identifying the parts of ourselves that we are not familiar with, but which may need help. The actual healing process may vary from moment to moment, however. Typically it will involve letting go of beliefs that do not serve you, along with associated free emotional movement (probably in private).
Lust: Lust is not inherently wrong if love is present. The problem is a lack of love, not an enjoyment of bodies and sex. Self acceptance of all aspects of self is key. Spirits have thought since the beginning of time that sex was wrong when it is actually the means by which life takes form and can change to express different characters.
Punishment: Punishment is not a necessary part of learning. God does not punish but people have the power to distort reality such that this appears to be the case. We are running distorted programs and filters until we are ready to let them go so that love can manifest.
Wholeness and balance: Serving the whole is important, yes - it must be done in balance. This starts with serving your whole self, including all of your parts and especially the parts that have been heavily denied for so long. Typically, this means the feminine aspects, the will. Notice that the Christian whitewashing of spirit never really mentions a Mother and carries on in denial as if this is irrelevant. This is exactly the denial that humans hold which destroys them from the inside constantly. You need to feel this to understand it. You cannot serve another or anything really if you do not first attend to your own needs. You cannot give love if you do not have love and you cannot have love if you do not cultivate it and process your own energy in a loving way that includes your own real needs.
Jesus: A long and detailed story to correct. Jesus was a healer, a man, who had connection to more of himself than many do and to God. He was not THE son of God, he was a child of God, as we all are. Manifesting God in the physical plane, but with some distortions and errors. There are many children of God manifesting currently that are equal to Jesus in important ways. Placing Jesus above others and yourself is not harmonious and the denial involved placed a barrier between you and God.
"if you can kill the Luciferian, selfish aspect of yourself and be born again in the spirit of Christ - a servant to the whole, you will be blessed with the powers you need to complete your mission, and access to secret levels, such as heaven."
- In a sense, but there is no need to kill anything. Lucifer is unloving light. Clearing out unloving light is a process that needs to be understood now and can be felt. Unloving light rejects emotions. Loving light accepts emotions. Moving emotions clears out unloving light. This is part of why society is so conditioned away from femininity and emotions. The result of this unloving bias has been most of the evil we see in the world.
"do you see now that Lucifer being cast down from heaven to earth for refusing to bow to man, is a metaphor for a human, being cast from a blissful existence into suffering, for failing to bow to man - failing to put others before himself? "
- This is a bit backwards. Spirits block bliss when they deny things. Denial of self is the major blindspot among 'spiritual people' who have taken in the unloving light and reversals which say that it is loving to put others first. You cannot love someone else when you are denied that which you need. It is not selfish to ensure your needs are met. Real needs can be met without denying anything and in doing so we set a resonance that helps others too. None of this prevents you from helping others, but much of the imbalance on Earth stems from a lack of personal responsibility and much of that originates in people relying on others too much. This is will-less-ness.
"we are made of three aspects; mind(spirit), body(flesh), and soul(heart),"
- We are made of 4 aspects: mind(spirit), body(expression), heart(balance) and will(emotion and desire). The fact that the will is deleted from definitions of the spiritual self is one of the primary causes for suffering and misunderstanding. This is not by accident, it is a luciferic insert designed to disempower and, yes, it is inserted into most major religions deliberately.
"So accept you are a slave, a servant. There is no way around that."
- This is unloving light speaking here, not God. Your will needs to be free and you need to be free.
"overcome all desire and become enlightened"
- You will be filled with unloving light and be drawn to death. Desire is the impulse behind life itself, if you deny desire, you will be weakened and enslaved.