Will you join me for tea and cake?


HI Guys!

I hope you are all doing well this fine Thursday! I decided to get creative in the kitchen today to make a birthday cake. Being the garden enthusiast I am I wanted to include some aspect from my flower garden. So rather than just pick flowers to decorate the cake I would get a little more involved. So here is what I did.....

A picked a handful of rose leaves. I rinsed them under the tap briefly to remove any dust. I never spray my roses with pesticides so didn't have much cleaning necessary but if you try this and DO spray your roses then a good soaking would be in order ;)


So next I melted some pure, dark organic chocolate.


I dipped the underside of the leaves in the chocolate - the underside of the leaves has the ribs protruding so creates a better leaf pattern imprinted on the chocolate.


When the chocolate has completely set its time to carefully peel off the rose leaves.


The details turn out beautifully I think. Do you like them?


I have to say it was an absolutely delicious cake that was admired then devoured! 😂


It had been so long since I baked a cake. I am glad I felt inspired today and
I am grateful to my rose bush for donating leaves to this worthy cause.



Thanks for stopping by, I hope you try out making chocolate rose leaves, if they are new to you - it is a very satisfying process. I have my mum to thank as she first demonstrated this technique to me in our kitchen at home decades ago.

Wishing you LOVE, LIGHT and HAPPINESS.

SHINING your LIGHT dispels the darkness.💋


That's a yummy looking cake! I'd love to have tea & cake with you! The chocolate leaves turned out wonderfully!! I bet it's nice for you to think about the time you learned to do this with your mom! Enjoy & Happy Birthday! 🎈🎂

Hey thanks beautiful! Oh indeed my mum is an exceptional cook and made incredible
food of all kinds! A real inspiration.

my god look at it it's amazing ahahaha

about that organic chocolate: have you by any chance tried chocolate substitutes using carob?

it will be one of the first dozen experiments in... my future garden ;)

I have used carob at times over the years but would never give up real cocoa - I don't use it often but treat myself to it just once in a long while.

It is a real gift from our Maker. A beautiful tree to grow too and wow opening up the cocoa pods and finding the beans inside that are covered in this outer fruity flesh which has an incredible flavour like a cross between vanilla and pineapple. INCREDIBLE - so delicious. Then when you get through sucking that fruity delight off the beans , then peel the outer pithy skin of the bean off and find the dark brown cocoa bean within! WOW Its a heavenly experience from start to finish. Have you done this?
I hope you get to grow some one day .

What a beautiful cake !

I would have been happy to have joined you for some of that. It is not only attractive on the outside, the inside looks so chocolatey luscious.

thank you so much - I feel you joined me anyway just by your beautiful comment. it was indeed luscious!

Oh yeah I would try a slice of that! That cake looks fit for a king!😀