Sharing Thoughts at Sunset

Hey Tribe!

  today I have a little confession and a  question for you....  

Do you sleep dream in colour? Sometimes? Often? Never? For myself ...I never recall colours featuring in my own sleep dreams. Never did. But recently I have started sleep dreaming in vivid technicolours. It's beautiful, but a bit perplexing.

The ether seems to be thinning too. Hard to articulate the feeling but the impression that the fabric that separates realities is getting thinner.

Perception is sharpening

Motivation increasing

Comfort zone adjusting.

Interesting times.

The best of times.

The worst of times.

Our times.







Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 22.33.45.png


Screenshot 2021-02-05 at 17.47.29.png

Be a beacon of LIGHT and BE LOVE.


All photos are my own.


Heck yeah! Sallybeth is back!! Nice to see you & your pretty pictures.

Hey Jill , you went through my mind a couple of days back! So good to see you here too!

Having often heard other people talk about their dreams, I feel kind of bummed out because I have never really remembered very many dreams. Sadly the few that I do remember are generally not the nice dreams.

Beautiful photos. I have vivid dreams usually after a mindful activity like grounding or solving puzzles. Some of them are further enhanced with natural substances like Bacopa.

It is indeed a great time, or hasn't it always been? In my view, it's always been pure good and greatness as long as we're aligned.

Another thing to ponder today.

Thanks for sharing! 🙏

Hey @janwrites, yes you are spot on, it has always been great times. That's interesting to hear about your vivid dreams experiences. I am now checking out Bacopa as I hadn't heard of it.

I always thought I dreamed in color, but in my waking hours I think, do I ? If not, then in my dreams, there is nothing that seems abnormal about the way I am seeing things.

I do sometimes have very vivid memory of many details. Someone said that was weird. LOL...

Enjoyed your photos.

Hi Jacey, thanks for sharing. Yes I get that many details thing sometimes too.
Dreams are fascinating.

Ooh. Very pretty writing too! I love the thought provoking messages.