Getting older, staying well.

As I've gotten older, I've found myself naturally taking stock of my health and appearance more frequently. It's like there's a shift in perspective that comes with aging, where priorities begin to realign, and aspects of well-being that may have been overlooked in my youth suddenly become paramount.

With each passing year, I become more aware of the importance of maintaining good health habits. I find myself paying closer attention to what I eat, making sure to include plenty of nutritious foods to support my body as it ages. I'm more conscious of the need for regular exercise, not just for physical fitness but also for maintaining mobility and strength as I grow older.

There's also a heightened awareness of the impact of lifestyle choices on my overall well-being. I'm way more cautious about the substances I put into my body, whether it's alcohol, caffeine, or other "indulgences" LOL. I've come to realize that these habits can have long-term effects on my health, and I'm more motivated than ever to make choices that promote longevity and vitality. My mum is 89 and still chopping firewood and tending a wonderful garden of fruits and veggies - she is vegetarian and doesn't drink alcohol.She also attends Pilates classes every week. A shining example of health and I feel as much as owing it to myself that I owe it to her to live the longest, strong and happy life!

So it's definitely true, in terms of appearance for example, I've noticed that I'm more attentive to skincare and grooming routines. As I age, I become more mindful of the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and changes in skin texture. While I of course embrace the natural aging process, I also take proactive steps to care for my skin and maintain a healthy complexion. My latest epiphany is discovering organic castor oil...of which I will share my personal experiences in another post soon.

Overall, getting older has prompted me to prioritize my health and appearance in ways that I may not have fully appreciated in my younger years. It's a journey of self-awareness and self-care, driven by a desire to live a fulfilling and vibrant life for years to come.

My first big new step in this vein has been cutting out alcohol - I was not a big drinker , just a few glasses of wine of an evening but stopping this has improved my sleep immediately - instead of waking during the night and having vivid dreams I know sleep straight through and don't remember dreams on waking. We all know how crucial a good nights sleep is-
as sleep plays a vital role in the body's ability to repair and regenerate tissues and boost the immune system. Basically we heal as we sleep.

I don't miss the alcohol and am proud of myself for taking this positive step in my health. Onward and upward eh?

Meanwhile I am keeping as active as possible. Although my job has a sedentary nature to it ( I am a voice artist and spend many hours sitting recording and editing ) I do all I can to be active in the garden and with hobbies the rest of my time.

Luckily my body ( my inner voice ) seems to have the ability to talk to me internally when it thinks I need to move more or behave in more healthy ways and I do listen to it as much as possible.

Wishing you health, happiness and LOVE.

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I like to think that age is just a social construct, and that we are able to be born anew every day. Every time I'm feeling the "weight of time" I remind myself that this is day is just the beginning.

Beautiful photos 💙

It very much is as you say and I totally agree. But we do live in a physical body and it deserves utter respect which cannot be ignored. So in my spirit being I am as energetic and ageless as I always have been.... I just take care to ensure my physical body is given every chance possible to live the longest and healthiest life. LOL

I always think of a woman aging as akin to that of a fine wine! 😊

Oh OG you are such a smoothie!