Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - "Are You Living Consciously? What Does Living Consciously Mean To You?

in Abundance Tribe4 years ago

Speaking of consciousness, one could not think Less but to imagine how life is going on, living consciously is the best way, if the reality is not so clear to you that is when you began to see life in another phase. People tend to play more than seeing the good that May come their way.

To be conscious you began to feel and at times you should appreciate the things which you have and all the better things around you and those taking place on others people life's, because when you appreciate what is good, definitely good things will come to you, the focus we had is what we will see, the future is unknown to us but our intentions can easily help us in getting all the things we ever wish for. One who has the ability to overcome temptations and trial is conscious of his ways because it shown that he was fully aware of the things that was going to happen. He got ready for it and makes some alternative methods that will used to diagnose the situations.

Coming to real life, to be behaving in a favourable response is consciousness, we all know that, a man's behavior can not be Seen rather, it is only the character which we see and hear pertaining to the way he make his life.


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When a trader has not make enough sales, he would be going from places to places and that is if it is an hawker and if it is not, maybe those ones that operate in shop, he would be praying in his heart for customers to come so that he would have enough sales that will sustain him maybe make him but another items he needed and take care of his bills
When you are conscious of your time, you begin to see yourself going higher and your ideas well received as you will be made top on all ramifications.

Many has fail because of not being careful with the way they relate with one another, some lead to Lost of lives,some lead to something not imaginable. But the truth is that we should not do away with the things we know is right.