What cool birds to behold in real life!
We know a few friends who had peafowl. While I'm not sure if we'd ever get any ourselves, I do enjoy checking these incredible creatures out. The colorations of the peacocks especially is impressive. The metallic sheen of the blue and green hues is rare in local birds. The Indian natives have gained popularity among various homesteaders and landowners, so we are getting used to seeing them around rather than just in zoos, where many people commonly see them. I must admit, they make impressive "lawn ornaments." Enjoy the photos.
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I love the sound they make.
They are so beautiful live their feathers
These birds tells that the Creator of the universe, God, is very artistic.
When they shake off, make their sounds and spread their wings, we have a song we mutter to them. We've always seen it as a show of pride in the birds. These made up my childhood memories.