Liberating your soul from pain


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Happy Saturday Hivers, I was home alone thinking of something inspiring to write today, the first prompt that came to my mind was ''Finding yourself". It didn't do justice to how I was feeling so I thought for a longer period of time and the heading above came to my mind "Liberating your soul from pain".

The pain of the soul are negative emotions and distress caused by certain events in life which are mostly beyond our control. We find ourselves stuck in these emotions hindering us from moving on with our lives and finding inner peace.

Tips on liberating the soul from pain

  • Acceptanace: to make peace with these events, you need to accept that they have happened and preventing it was beyond your control and even If the situation was preventable, you would have done so If you were given an opportunity to.

Self forgiveness: despite knowing certain events are beyond our control, we often still hold onto the guilt of our powerlessness. you need to understand that there are limits to the things we can control in life and forgive yourself for being powerless in the face of such events.

  • Meditation: meditation is the oldest psychological method of liberating the mind from stress, depression, anxiety and other sorts of distress. Along with that, it also brings peace to soul and settles all sorts of negative emotions.

  • Keeping a positive mind: Realizing that every negative and soul tearing event isn't the end of life nor happiness in life and hoping for a better brighter future rather than focusing on the unchangeable past events aids the healing of the soul from pain.
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    Life itself is beautiful but lingering past negative emotions stuck in our soul can prevent us from seeing the beauty of life and appreciating it, I hope the few tips I shared can guide you as you unload the pain in your soul and enjoy the bright world set out for you.

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Thank you for reading.

