Been alive is great, been with people around you is great, I feel most alive when I be with people with good heart and great achievement, it makes me be alive anytime I see people's around achieving great desire in life it so marvelous, because when I see people's on Earth achievement, it makes have this great hope that been alive can mean a lot to me, I believe in myself that one day I will achieve my desire in life.
When I feel most alive, is when am doing something great in me, that I care so much and I love doing, I believe in my self that one day I will achieve my great desire in life, and make people around me become happy, things that can bring so much joy and kindness and been alive again is when I show much love to people that need help and people that need someone to care for them it always great when I do that because I believe when showing people love and kindness can bring this multiple blessings in you, and so much love to people.
I love been with people with kind and good heart people that show interest in you, people that stay with you when you are in trouble or when you are in need for help it always great. Been love and kindness from people it is always great in me, I feel alive again, I feel special, I feel inspired by different things in life, life is all about making choices, we are all here on this Earth to make our dreams come true and been special, Everyone on Earth have a specific goals that God have brought them on this Earth to do. We should always show our self love and been happy with one another. Putting smile on people face can bring out the good things and makes you be alive and be new again.
Life is a decision. I also feel alive when am listening to music or playing piano, it always great when do does amazing fact, I love music, music is my life with out music I don't think I could exit among human beings I feel inspired listening to songs and playing piano!!!! Always have this trust of mine that I can be who I meant to be or your I desired to be in life anytime I play music , music is life, music wakes the dead up, music can make you feel special among people. I always tell people that can you be inspired when listening to music or when been sad. I believe that music can make someone to be great in life.
I promise you this if you are sad at been frustrated by things in life, just listen to music you will not be sad again, it will be like you are alive again, anytime I listen to music or be inspired by music I usually forget about the past and move on. I usually tell people they should try to be inspired by music, so always be inspired by music so that you can be alive again.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I wish you Merry Christmas and happy New year.🥰🥰🥰