Thanks abundance.tribe for this amazing question of this great weekend.
What has been the most valuable lesson i have learnt in life? The most valuable lesson i have ever learnt as a person is humility, being humble as a person carries a whole lot of advantages and a whole lot of disadvantages when an individual is proud, because proud is always the downfall of a man.
Advantages of being humble
- Everyone around you will always give you maximum respect
- Alot of people will always wanna be your friend
- Most especially favours from different kinds of people, opportunities and so on.
I have always learnt to be humble ever since the day i noticed have been losing friends not just friends but good friends, friends with great qualities, friends that could have changed my life positively, friends that could have affected my life positively, friends that could have been of a great help to me in the future, but guess what? something terrible happened, and what was that? I lost them all just because of my pride😪
What have i gained with being proud? I have gained nothing but gained regrets of losing alot of good friends that i thought they could never be of help or could have added any value to my way of life.
Who do we address as proud people?
proud people are those people that sees themselves above everyone at all times.
A proud person doesnt really associate with some kinds of individual especially people they felt or know they arent of the same class with them.
A proud person always sees his or herself right at all times, they dont always want to be corrected
Sometimes ago, i was always like that not until i discovered i have lost a whole lot of good friends that i can never get in touch with them anymore, too bad to tell, but ever since then i have learnt a lesson of my life not to look down on others because no one knows tomorrow and what tomorrow has to offer.
The most valuable lesson i have learnt in my life is humility, humility pays alot.
Himility is the wisdom of the wise. Humility is the weapon to attract massive favors and build deep connections. I love your work.
Yeah, thank you dear
Yes, when we learn to be humble, life really does open up to us xx