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RE: Can We Please Just Stop Fighting Each Other and Ourselves?

I hear You, I need to add you to my favorites feed. That way I hopefully won't miss your posts too.

That's very interesting about your twin sister. I like your analogy and understanding of the opposite personalities of you both.

Yes we all need to find a different way to not get sucked into the system. But then again I think most of us here are quite aware of this and most of us are on the transition team. 🤗🙇‍♀️

Let me know how you get on with the book. I am looking for something new to read and if it helps us grow and evolve all the better.

Big hugs and much love to you too @bulldog-joy 🤗🤗💚💚


There is a favorites feed? Gotta check that out...tomorrow lol. Off to bed now.
