Cultivating Abundance with Bio-Resonance

I AM setting the intention to cultivate abundance, to overcome limitations and share the experience with my friends.

In previous articles, I outlined the importance of transforming culture by practicing open-mindedness, abundance and generosity. I emphasized the importance of redefining preparedness from the prescribed apocalyptic tones into a jovial perennial practice; spontaneous order instead of fear-based reaction.

Embracing optimism in the midst of darkness means transforming limitation into opportunity; limitations are invitations to transform ourselves and our surroundings.


As we individuate beyond the collective, the mask and become more conscious of our intuition reality unfolds its mystery to us. The intention we cultivate through mindful practice creates reality at a fundamental level that often eludes rationality.

Actualizing this realization expands my mind to think beyond the lack of materials or money that I need to construct a successful homestead. I simply feel the outcome as fact with an unshakeable Will; I choose to flow with the spontaneous natural order of reality.

The feelings I choose reflect my present reality. The attitudes, desires and feelings we choose to energize create a subtle energetic connection with the physical world. This Self-created energy interconnects with the subtle electro-magnetic field which is creative essence of life.

Practicing meditation, breathwork and mindfulness opens up our connection with the life energy of the universe.


The fundamental choice to broadcast life-affirming energy is the basis of Yoga, Tai-Chi and Meditation. The dynamic equilibrium of mindset and reality transforms the present moment. Feeling into the present without fear, shame or resentment unlocks infinite possibilities:

The subtle art of manifesting desirable outcomes works by simply feeling the desired outcome as matter of fact.


"The first step is not elaborate plans filled with budget considerations...the first step is to choose the feeling."

When we approach Life as an active meditation & energetic practice we are cultivating the infinite possibilities in our quantum field. This intuitive feeling creates a subtle connection of energy which positively effects the body, and extends to the natural world:

Quantum mechanics has also proved efficacious in biological processes. The present experiments found an enhanced and significant impact of the biofield treatment on adaptive micropropagation response and callus induction of two plant species.. [ResearchGate]

The transformative potential of this realization is so valuable I want to share my journey with the world.


The conscious awareness of the mystical nature of reality can only be truthfully realized by direct experience.

Unfortunately, the limits of language and the cultural conditioning inhibit our understanding of the underlying metaphysical implications. To share this wisdom with the world I will actualize this truth and showcase the process that unfolds.

The deeper mission is to cut through the apocalyptic programming and intuit our way out of scarcity & limitation.

The subtle feeling of knowingness I am experiencing as I am tilling the material-soil regenerates my soul; it unfolds my idealized image of Self. Actualizing my energetic potential through mindful practice creates my ideal reality.

As my Homesteading Journey continues it challenges me to think outside of my own personal limitations, and create Heart-to-Heart connections that will inspire others to TRANSFORM their life.