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RE: My Vision of the Hive of the future

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago


i am almost certain there is a way hive can evolve into the above.

i think that there needs to be two governance systems.

  1. Governanace to secure the chain. Currently DPOS
  2. Community Governance to be able to come to anonymous concentrated consensus (1 human, 1 vote), and co-ordinate mass next step actions.
    The Matrix-8 Solution offers the latter.

Firstly The Matrix-8 Solution would need to be tested in a Hive Community. Once succesful. other Hive Communities could adopt Matrix-8 subplatform to test further. When, or before proven successful create a Hive-Ecosystem Matrix-8 Subplatform. Users of the COmmunities which have been testing the system can then join the Hive-Ecosystem Matrix-8 Subplatform (with same anonymous login), and others not joined another subplatform can join directly the Hive-Ecosystem Matrix-8 Subplatform. Once enough Hive users have joined (with sufficient voting power to outvote the "old guard", then a consensus could be reached to co-ordinate voting in of free-speech witnesses into the top 20. Then it would be possible to come to consensus to change code to protect free speech, and truly decentralise.

There's much more to this, but too much for me to write to help you gain sufficient understanding to be able to see how this could work. i can point you to where you can learn more, and ask questions, on request (or just look at my blog).

Sat Nam


Excellent idea, thanks for sharing. Wonder if there are enough folks on here who care about free speech to implement something like this. Seems we will know soon enough, with proposals to change the balance of power finally in the works...

You're welcome brother. Thanks for your interest and response.

There are plenty enough people interested in freedom of speech and freedom in general, who will for sure join and use an equitable, truly decentralised governance & consensus facilitating system, WHEN it is easily accessible and easy to use. Once a Matrix-8 Dapp has been released and tested successfully, initially by a small group of 50 - 100 people (actually - it can be partially tested using make-shift of existing comms apps), then Beta successfully tested in a larger community - they will come in droves!

@snider, Lethean Developer, has the dApp largely coded already in his head i think, with intentions to use it ( as a Matrix-8 sub platform) for community governance of a Lethean (LTHN - private coin and VPN) DAO (or similar setup)

But for now, we need those 50 - 100 people who will join to begin test the system. How about you?

Sat Nam