Hello Fellow Visionary
I’m glad you came across this collection of thoughts. Feel free to share your perspective on what I’m about to share in the comments, it seems to me to be quite important.
This Blog is intended to objectively describe the condition we as HIVE users find ourselves in, in a subjectively appealing way, so that we all are moved by a sense of purpose to take action from a space of inspiration and excitement to contribute in this growing space and breathe life into it.
As I informed myself about the HIVE ecosystem, I mostly found informations about the technical aspects of this crypto-space, but almost nothing about the community aspects of it except explanations about the built in conditions to build one. But what I’m interested in contemplating in this blog is what kind of change and transformative fuel we could bring into the world with this space when we have a well formulated idea on how to conduct our energies into this space and a vision where this could lead us. It’s called hive after all and probably for a reason.
That’s why I want to make a first attempt to break this whole thing down to its fundamental aspects so that we have an easier grasp of this phenomena as a whole and we don’t loose ourselves in the soup.
The following hints and conclusions aren’t rules or community guidelines these are just thoughts to clarify where our motivation to participate in this dynamic actually comes from, they envision a utopian world where we understand the actual condition of our existence.
So let’s begin
The Symbiotic Ecosystem
A real ecosystem is self-sustainable it’s a perfect symbiosis of all its residents contributing to the evolutionary process of the whole always connected to the hive mind and in service to its expression as an organic unit. For this to be the case it seems essential that there is a vision in place connecting every participant to the greater picture and intention of the hive mind. This raises the questions how this vision should be installed and what should it consist of.
As it’s already cemented in its history that true decentralisation is one of hives pillars we can easily see collective and individual sovereignty, freedom and independence to be core values. But instead of fishing in the dark let's just consider the moving force and recipient of this living structure (hive), and find out in which conditions it would thrive.
Any community is made up of Individuals, each individual is on a journey going through a process of expanding their horizon by making experiences, taking in information building meaning to somehow make sense of their existence. Essentially it’s a learning process of bringing into awareness what always has been the case, but it just didn’t know yet, adapting to it playing with it and expanding into the newly found freedom. This evolutionary process where the world makes itself more and more apparent and allows us to advance the more we understand its secrets and possibilities is an inevitable fundamental reality we organise ourselves around individually but also collectively.
A Collective Evolutionary Step
I guess most of you are fascinated with the promising perspectives that decentralised crypto-spaces allow us to have. The doors of possibilities that it opens to enrich our stay here in this world are immense. But what are they exactly leading to? What’s the state of affaires right now in our society that needs to change? Most of us probably feel that the current structures in place conducting our society are doomed for failure and will sooner or later collapse under the weight of their ignorance and unwillingness to change. The good news is there are already alternatives in place you’re looking at one possible candidate right now. And what this is is an attempt of people to connect, create and share as a decentralised unity of individuals providing value by conducting their life-force to improve the whole experience of this space which is a representation of us as a whole, as a HIVE. Everything we do here online is an extension of our minds of our creative self-expression and even though it is online it is all tied to living individuals in the real world.
We all entered this community out of our own free will with certain hopes and expectations, this means it was our own decision to be here. It’s this significant detail that makes all the difference in the degree of involvement we can experience, in contrary to the society we were born in. Most already well established societal and economic structures that are enforced by centralised power monopoles lack the ability to invoke that kind of spirited excitement because there’s no insight into the purpose and vision of the whole operation and if there is it’s certainly not as big and powerful as this could be if we play our cards right.
A Vision with Purpose
The existence of this platform already is a huge change. But how can we contribute to this in the most nurturing way possible to support the success of this opportunity to transform our community of refugees from a dying world into a real hive that lives up to its name?
This Hive Project is still in many aspects more or less a blank slate, and we should ask ourselves the question how can we do better than what we’re used to and we were fed as the way of the course in our upbringing? What is this whole thing an alternative for? where could it lead us? What do we stand for? What do we Represent? How big are we willing to dream? And most importantly what makes me want to be invested in this? What are my motives to be part of us? Because that’s what it ultimately seems to be, being part of something greater that’s nurturing to our own living essence and everyone else in an honourable way in harmony with the creative life-force we’re all exposed to and conducting into our experiences.
All this questions aren’t a questionnaire you have to answer to anyone there’s no authority you have to please here it’s all for yourself, because answering those questions ignites a fire of purpose within you that sets your contribution to this platform into perspective.
One could argue that the collective vision and sense of purpose should arise organically and naturally, and I’m all for that but all shared content is part of that organic growth even if it’s showing a perspective for a trajectory we could get on. It ultimately is a conquest of ideas that propel each other forward. I came to the conclusion that it helps if we have an overview of the options available to us and a formulated Idea of fundamental aspects that need to be taken into account when we want to make the experience here appealing to real living, feeling individuals and not just degrade them to content providers. We are more than all the informations we could ever share after all. The goal of this post is to make us aware of the necessity to install a humane element into this digital space, which is more of an insight that steers our behaviour on this platform from within ourselves than it is something that is imposed on ourselves from the outside.
Content and existential Context
Beneath the surface of everything that we create there’s always a sentient essence trying to communicate something that it considers valuable and all value comes from a felt experience. If we want to enhance the quality of experience here it is mandatory for us to contemplate the nature and needs of that spark of life that feels experiences and has the motivation to share them. Having a model or description of that primal condition and implementing it into the foundation of any project as the center point of balance helps us to target our behaviour towards the substantial qualitative enhancement of experience. Any creative output is creating an experience not only for the recipient but also for the creator who shares an intimate encounter with life from a unique point of view to add another colour and communicate their sentience. There’s a need for sharing our living essence because it’s obviously where all qualities originate from and form into original perspectives reflecting the work of art of our unique individuality. Our task as a greater whole seems to be able to collect all those experiences in their realest form possible to be the feathered bed where the dreaming of living ideas is just natural.
Road to Utopia
I’ve always had a lot of deep contemplations about the dynamics that need to be considered if we would want to build a community that reflects the actual core essence of the sentient individual within the greater whole to collectively create an environment that’s the most conducive to the authentic and original self expression of it’s parts so that the evolution of the whole could be fuelled by the authentic unrestricted encounter with the immediacy of the moment individually and collectively and therefore always actualising itself from a place of nurturing and supporting excitement about the actual condition of what it means to be alive right now and together.
I know that’s a very long sentence but it summarises quite well what it's about from my perspective.
The hive ecosystem is a great infrastructure with already some amazing content and people in it. It’s like a home, a spaceship where we all have our rooms and spaces but we’re also in this together as a hive and everyone is contributing to the direction we’re flying with their creations and interactions which are all ways of communicating their understanding of themselves and their surroundings and sharing what they consider to be valuable information. What I want to emphasise and bring to the center of attention here is the realm of qualities and the primal condition within which qualities become apparent.
This Platform is a unique opportunity to create an alternative community based on a living foundation that nurtures and supports everyone equally. The sharing of our understanding, our experiences and our fascination for life from a place of joy and genuine curiosity for the subject matter can transform our understanding of each other as people on this world fundamentally and restore it to its naturally harmonious default settings. The true foundation on which we build our life stories is our encounter with the immediacy of the moment, the fact of our very essence being in a world of impressions that make us feel in a myriad of ways and being confronted with the task to somehow make sense of it all. This circumstance is at the core of our condition. As learning individuals we are made to continually expand our horizons. That wouldn’t be as much of a burden if our very surrounding which informs us with ways of being in the form of a culture or society would value, recognise and respect the primary source of all experience and information to be the immediate encounter with the unknown of an individual making sense through his own thinking and therefore creating a grid of meaning and giving birth to information fertilised by the feeling he felt from his experienced stimulation. However what this means if we manage to create a community which honours the individual authentic experience and produce informations and art that stimulates our sense for beauty and harmony our thinking becomes much freer and in tune with the actual reality of what we’re experiencing. When there’s no scarcity, no outside pressure but only a fair exchange of energy where you get out what you put in and experience joy by doing so because there’s no obligation but you want to out of free will and creative drive you've arrived in a utopia.
I hope these thoughts evoked something valuable, feel free to add your perspective in the comments. 🙂
Thank you for reading
-Michael Fehr