Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - When Do You Feel Most Alive!


Hello beautiful people.

Welcome to another Biweekly question, by the Abundance.Tribe.
The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness and to show the importance of connecting with and trusting our own truth. So that we can return, to where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. We do this when we continue to question and reflect on what is happening in our lives.

By asking these questions, we are inspiring one another to dig deep and reflect on our lives. So that we can focus, on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.


This week, I want you to focus on the things that bring you the most joy and that inspire you to step into your role as creator. This is role that many of us, have become disconnected from, especially now when so much of what we do is being controlled. That is why it is important to find the time to do the things that you love, the things that you are passionate about.

So I ask you ......

When Do You Feel Most Alive!

We all have so much to offer and so much to learn from one another and that’s why I think it’s really important to open these questions up to everybody on the platform. There is a one week deadline for answers and everyone who does so, will get a upvote from the tribe of at least 10%.

Posting Guidelines

  • Post your answers to the question in the Abundance.Tribe community.
  • Use any form of expression that makes it easiest for you to share your Truth.
  • Post between now and the 24th December.
  • This question is open to everyone within the Hive Platform.
  • Each written entry most contain at least 500 words.

I look forward to everyone’s answers and I wish you all a wonderful weekend.


In the spirit of Abundance 25% of the pay out from this post will go to @homeedders community and the @freespeech community.





Like so much of my writing at the moment, one thing bled into another, poetry got mixed up with a freewrite from the perspective of a planet sped up over millions of years, and in the end it came down to one universal truth; change is constant, and that is when I feel most alive.

Whether moving to a new apartment, having eggs with my toast today, or the possibility of the seas becoming still at some point in history, if even for a second… change is the only constant.

I think I answered the abundance tribe bi-weekly question? It is always thought provoking, and today it set me off on a wonderful mental journey 😉


I try to spend most of my time here on this beautiful green earth doing the things that make me feel alive. There are several things that make me feel alive and a few of them I will share here. The first one I love the most and that makes me feel the most alive is cooking a great meal. I love to gather the ingredients, prepare them, and especially when I'm preparing that meal for family or friends it gives me so much life! I love to whip together new meals or even come up with new meals that I decided I wanted to give a try to. Sometimes I come up with new recipes on the fly by myself and they turn out delicious, sometimes not, but I always have fun with it and I always feel alive when doing so. Another thing that makes me feel alive is listening to music. Any kind of music that I love, which is most recently electronic dance music, it drives this lovely feeling through my soul and awakens me in the most raw way known. I can feel my skin wake up and my brain awaken to the lively sounds within. I usually dance and that makes me feel even more alive! The best thing yet that I've found is cooking WHILE listening to music! I know, crazy concept isn't it? But it totally works! I've also found that using healing herbs in my cooking and just all around working with healing herbs is a great way to feel alive in general. I love to learn about these herbs and what they do and what they are good for. What nutrients are they rich in and what ailments do they do well in helping with? Oh, it just floats my boat right on into the ocean! I've recently started learning about how to make tinctures and ointments out of fresh herbs and will soon start a certification program on healing with herbs! Something else that gives me pure life is spending time with my son. He's 4 years old right now the light of my life. He was a happy surprise when I was told by two doctors that I was never going to have any children, or couldn't, and then came along my beautiful son. He is lively, and smart, and he loves Minecraft. He gives me life when I feel like I'm losing it, and makes me smile when my face feels broken. I feel like he has been an incredible blessing upon my life since he was born. The last thing that really rattles my bolts and gives me that spark of life is water. Water? Yes...water! Fresh, delicious, cool, filtered by Reverse Osmosis Water. It makes me feel good, it refreshes me, and it literally gives me life. I couldn't ask for a better beverage than that. I have kept it quite simple since that is what I like to do, the things that give me life are things that will continue to give me life until my dying day, or so I'd hope so. I hope to go on loving these things forever and growing in them for they are good things to grow in, or so I believe. Thanks for joining me in what brings me life. Much love to you!

Wow! Cooking is also my best kind of ability, sure! It bring joy to ones heart, nice answer, @jazismad1605
but you are to make a post about your answer, it seems you are new here, welcome to hive, please rearrange your answer in a post, like make a post about it, that is what is required.. Feel free to contact @lovesniper and @ocd community for more you need to know.

Welcome to hive once again 🤸

Oh! Thank you!

It's funny, after you tagged ocd, they quickly came in and gave the post itself a -$80 downvote.

No comment from them though, of course.

Oh! I didn't mean to make a mess🙈

I remember when I joined hive, I was just like him, posting things unnecessary, it was then someone spotted me and show me around, and he make me to feel comfortable, so I have been living with this favour in my heart till the day I met him, he was just lone just as I did back then, and when I saw him, not knowing what to do and not getting the attention he deserves, I decided to help him, I was ready to give him my times as long as he want but I didn't know i was wrong about my actions.

I am sorry, I didn't mean to make anyone hurt🙏

oooh thats a good one.. .and not an easy one for me to answer without some thought... will be thinking hard and posting soon..

@ocdb I'm curious what part of a weeks-long writing contest, curated by TLF, with the rewards split between her and two community accounts run by all different people, from this account that literally posts once a week (just for this contest), makes it worth the massive down-vote?

I'm curious how many of y'all that down-voted this post (presumably on the ocdb curation trail) actually support this kind of down-vote?

How much do you actually know about what OCDB is doing with your stake - whether delegated or on a curation trail?

Tagging all the people who down-voted, because I'm asking them this specific question: @netaterra @lordbutterfly @maxwellmarcusart @gabrielatravels @lacking @chekohler @sharkleo @gniksivart @khan.dayyanz @monkaydee293 @pl-travelfeed @mvl2304 @greengalletti @technologix @drlobes @abachon @primeradue @nanggroe1 @sharkmonsters

I don't think I ever personally down-voted someone, it was automatically done by curating accounts to whom I delegated the power. I removed them all, will do it manually if need be...PEACE!

I don't downvote personally. But anyone is free to agree and disagree with upvote/downvote.

Not sure about the downvote context but I have been following a downvote trail with @ocbd.

I just checked the post and it still got like 122$ worth of rewards in total. So if someone disagrees that a post is getting more rewards than the quality of post they may downvote and it's completely fine as it is with upvotes.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I trust OCDB.

I did notice this tho

Annotation 2021-12-23 102355.png

Hi, I won the last challenge but you never send me my reward. 😂 😂

If you go to that post you can see that you received 20% of the payout, that post did not receive huge rewards and it would have been send to you as part of your rewards for that day, it is not something I send x

Okay. Thanks so much.